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Fox are mostly harmless, but sometimes it's necessary to remove foxes from an urban or rural area because the animal is causing real problems. Some people just
have a fear of foxes, as if they're dangerous predators, but they're not. The truth is that foxes will pretty much never attack pets, and never people.
Still, they can cause some problems. They do prey on people's chicken coops, for example. Foxes have become common urban or suburb animals in many areas, and can dig through garbage, eat pet food, dig in the yard, and potentially
live under a house or shed or porch, and spread fleas. It's not unusual for fox to set up a den underneath a porch.
Where do foxes live? Do more foxes live in urban areas, or wild areas?
Where can they be found?
Most foxes are found on every continent in the world except for Antartica and because of the adaptive skills have been able thrive even in bustling urban cities. But they can also live in rural settings and towns. You can find foxes in the following countries:
• Canada
• South American countries like Venezuela and Columbia
• United States of America (Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas)
A fox's home is called a den. A den is usually a hole in the ground or elsewhere (like a garden shed, porch, or patio). This den is a fox's sanctuary and consider them a place of refuge to the point that even though dogs (sent in by hunters) into those dens, a fox may refuse to flee and consequently get injured or worse, killed by the dogs.
In Urban Areas
Foxes create their shelters or dens under porches, decks or sheds of unsuspecting homeowners. This is not uncommon in urban areas. The underside of a porch, deck or shed is a rather cozy place for a fox to potentially raise it's kits or keep shelter against the elements. This is especially true during harsh winters.
If you happen to find a fox den in your home, it might be wise to let them be for the moment until the fox's young are old enough to leave the den and accompany the parents while foraging. By this time, it will not be long before they will leave the den site and move on for good.
In Rural Areas
Foxes, as previously mentioned are also found in rural areas such as: