Thurston County Animal Services / Washington WA

Information about domestic and wild animal problems in Thurston County

County Animal ServicesIf you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Thurston County animal services for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses, pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals.

Thurston County Animal Services: (360) 352-2510

REPORT WILDLIFE ISSUES: (360) 352-2510 or 360-902-2200

To report a dead animal on the road, an injured bird, a lost baby squirrel, a dangerous bear, or anything like that, call any of these free government animal services:

  • Thurston County Animal Services: (360) 352-2510
  • Washington Wildlife Commission: 360-902-2200
  • Olympia police department: 360-753-8300
These agencies often deal with public wildlife issues or animal concerns where the public health or safety is involved, or other types of animal issues. These are free services.

Critter Problem at Your House? Hire Wildlife Removal Olympia
Wildlife removal is not a free service.

Olympia Wildlife ControlThurston County does not provide free wildlife control services. If you want to pay for critter removal services, call Wildlife Removal Olympia at 360-539-8266. They provide professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the city of Olympia. They offer custom Olympia wild animal control solutions for almost any type of wildlife problem, whether it be the noises of squirrels running through the attic, a colony of bats living in a building, or the destructive behavior of a raccoon, they have the experience and the tools to quickly and professionally solve your animal problem in Thurston County in Washington. Check their prices, and for a consultation, give them a call at 360-539-8266

Jack Russell Wildlife Control services the area south of Puget Sound, including Thurston County, Lewis County, Pierce County, and Cowlitz County. We serve the towns of Olympia, north to Shelton, south to Castle Rock, and towns such as Lacey, Montesano, and Centralia , Galvin, & Chehalis in between. We also service Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm, Rochester, Tenino, Rainier, Boston Harbor, Steamboat Island, Maytown, Littlerock, Chehalis, Adna, Boistfort, Morton, Randle, Packwood, Mossyrock, Longview, Kelso, Winlock, Napavine, PeEll, Doty, Dryad, Cinebar, and Galvin. We answer our 360-539-8266 cell phone 24/7, so call us at any time to discuss your critter problem.

It is important to remember that most county animal services in Thurston County and elsewhere no longer provide assistance in cases involving wild animals and wildlife management. If you have a wildlife problem or need to get rid of wildlife, need an exterminator or exterminating company, pest control or critter trapping or traps or wild animal prevention in Thurston County, you should call a privately owned wildlife removal company at this number: 360-539-8266

We also service the towns of Tenino, Bucoda, Tumwater including animal control in Littlerock, Yelm, East Olympia, and wildlife pest control in Rainier, Rochester, Lacey, McCleary, and more.

Thurston County Wildlife Removal Tip:

Will antifreeze kill an opossum?
When you go online to find methods to get rid of the opossum from your home or yard, one of the things that unfortunately tend to come up quite often is extermination by antifreeze. Hot dogs, tuna, fruit - all of these things have been laced with this very dangerous liquid in a bid to remove the poor creature from land, and in reality, this simple act could have the greatest of repercussions - repercussions that you may not even have thought about. Let me first shock you with the facts:

Antifreeze is made from a very lethal and highly toxic ingredient called Ethylene Glycol. This is something that animals and small children are attracted to because it tastes sweet, and smells even sweeter. It takes just two table spoons of this liquid to kill a child, only one teaspoon to kill a cat, and around two ounces to kill your average dog. Now think about it this way - think of how much of the liquid that can of tuna has just soaked up, or that hot dog - that is about the right amount to kill your children. Do you want to kill your children? No, we didn't think so.

So, what happens when you drink Ethylene Glycol? I'm sure we have already told you enough information to seriously steer you well clear of EVER using this liquid in any way other than its main intention, but just in case you still want to kill the opossum with antifreeze, just take a look at what happens if you ingest it - you will first get depression, then you will find that you are struggling to breath and your heart is failing. From this point, you will get brain damage and kidney failure. From here - death!

There was a study in the mid nineties that showed that out of every 3500 poisonings by antifreeze; around twenty percent of them were children. Is it seriously worth you taking the risk of killing a child in order to get rid of that opossum?

Thurston County, WA Animal Control News Clip:

Animal Services - Olympia's animal shelter deserves a job done right

Skipping the bid process also isn't the most transparent way to run a government. Any time a council bypasses competitive bids raises some questions, even if those concerns ultimately prove unjustified. Thurston County animal control says it will continue to help with domestic animal issues, but not with Washington wildlife problems. Indeed, Wildlife animal pest control Construction Services recently completed a 49,000-square-foot maintenance facility and administration building for the city of Claremont - the community where Olympia City Manager Glen Southard last served as city manager. Further, Mark Squirrel and Rat, the Olympia facilities and construction manager, has recommended Wildlife animal pest control Construction Services handle the animal city improvements; Squirrel and Rat recently served as Claremont's deputy director of community services during Wildlife animal pest control's work on Claremont's maintenance facility and administration building. For more information, call the animal services of Olympia, Washington. In fairness, Wildlife animal pest control has handled many municipal projects, including animal shelters, across the Thurston basin; further, Olympia's Inland Valley Humane Society, which served as a consultant to Olympia, did recommend the construction company before Squirrel and Rat came on board. Still, a readiness to go along with the decision does feed the suspicion mill, something that Olympia officials can ill afford. Should the City Council decide to stick with the project, Wildlife animal pest control may prove to the best company for the animal shelter. A competitive bid process would remove that question, however. All that would be lost is the renovation probably wouldn't begin until early next summer at the latest. Thurston County animal services in Olympia, Washington, declined to comment on the matter.

Remember, for a dog/cat problem, call (360) 352-2510, and if you need wildlife removal service in Thurston County, call Wildlife Removal Olympia: 360-539-8266.

Select Your Animal

Stray DogsOlympia Stray Dog Removal Information

Stray CatsOlympia Stray Cat Removal Information

RaccoonsOlympia Raccoon Removal Information

SquirrelsOlympia Squirrel Removal Information

OpossumOlympia Opossum Removal Information

SkunksOlympia Skunk Removal Information

RatsOlympia Rat Removal Information

MiceOlympia Mouse Removal Information

MolesOlympia Mole Removal Information

GroundhogOlympia Groundhog Removal Information

ArmadillosOlympia Armadillo Removal Information

BeaverOlympia Beaver Removal Information

FoxOlympia Fox Removal Information

CoyotesOlympia Coyote Removal Information

BirdsOlympia Bird Removal Information

BatsOlympia Bat Removal Information

SnakesOlympia Snake Removal Information

DeadOlympia Dead Animal Removal Information

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information