Examples of Damage Repairs & Animal Proofing
Repairs are the most important step in a total wildlife control plan. They ensure that no more new animals
can ever get back in to the building, and if done right, keep animals out for good! Below are just a few of thousands
of examples of the types of animal-proofing repairs that we do every day.
How To Guide: do it yourself! - Advice on saving money by doing wildlife removal yourself.
How To Guide: Who should I hire? - What questions to ask, what to look for, who NOT to hire.
Guide: How much does wildlife removal cost? - Analysis of the wildlife control business, & prices.
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Here we see a classic raccoon entry point under a soffit where it meets the roof. We seal it off with steel and sealant, and then cover it with metal flashing.
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Here is an open hole leading into the home under a bathtub. We screened it after removing a dead opossum.
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This persistent squirrel chewed into this flimsy soffit screen, until we screened it with heavy steel.
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A raccoon broke this soffit, but after catching it, we repaired the soffit as good as new.
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Rats were entering the home through this power supply hole behind the stove until we sealed it with metal flashing.
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Here we see a classic gable vent, which squirrels were using to go in and out of the attic of this building.
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Rats and squirrels were entering the attic through this large gable vent. Look at the flimsy and deteriorated old screen that we replaced with new steel.
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Rats were entering the attic by going under these tiles and in through vent holes, before we screened them all with steel.