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One of the main reasons that a skunk is considered
to be a pest animal is that they are particularly
adaptable in terms of their diet, and one of their
best food sources in urban areas is what they can
steal from people's garbage. Despite the fact that
they can produce a putrid odor to drive away
predators and other threats, the skunk actually
has an advanced sense of smell, and can pick up
the scent of food even through sealed plastic
bags. There are however some techniques that you
can use to keep the skunks away from your garbage.
Reduce The Amount Of Food Waste Placed In
The Garbage
This may seem to be a straightforward measure, but
with less food going into the garbage then there
is less of a scent to attract the skunk to your
garbage. Being more efficient with your meal
planning and minimizing waste is one good way to
do this, while making sure you make the most of
your waste disposal unit if you have one in the
kitchen is another good measure.
Use Garbage Cans To Store Your Garbage
Skunks are animals that have particularly strong
front legs and claws, and it is these that they
can use to find their way into the garbage sacks.
Where possible, try to have a few metal or durable
plastic garbage cans that you can use to store the
garbage, so that there is a much more durable
layer of material to stop the skunk from carving
through the sacks and spreading your garbage
across the yard or garden.
Keep Your Garbage Indoors Until Collection
Like most scavengers, skunks take advantage of the
opportunities that they are given, and because
many people will store their garbage outside, it
makes it easy for the animal to get hold of the
food waste inside. If you keep the garbage inside
a sturdy shed or in the garage, then this can help
to stop them from getting to the food source.
Keeping Your Garbage Cans Tightly Shut
There are some skunks that have actually become
quite clever when they are scavenging, and are
even able to remove the lid from a metal or
plastic garbage can to get at the food source
within. If this is happening, using a bungee cord
to tie the lid to the can is a good move, and if
this doesn't thwart the skunk, then dousing the
bungee cord in a hot chili pepper solution should
stop them from gnawing their way in.
For more information, you may want to click on one
of these guides that I wrote:
How much
does skunk removal cost? - get the lowdown
on prices.
to get rid of skunks - my main skunk removal
info guide.