Bat Control In Sanford Florida

01.14.2007 - I took this photo at a bat control project in Sanford Florida, near where I live and work in Orlando. It was a typical case of over 1000 Brazilian (Mexican) Free-Tail bats living in the attic of a building. I had to install steel screens along all of the gaps around the perimeter of the structure. This case was a bit unusual in that the bats were willing to fly in and out of such large gaps. They usually prefer to fly in through tiny gaps, often no more than a half-inch wide. I believe that the reason for this is, and I've never read any corroborating evidence to support this theory, but I believe the reason they prefer to fly into such small spaces is threefold: first, it makes it easier to crawl into the structure - bats are very finicky about how they land - it must be just so, with just the right amount of momentum, and then they crawl in. Second, a small gap may help keep the cavity at a desirably high temperature with low airflow, which they seem to like. Third, they probably know that if they enter through a small hole, they're safer: less chance for a big predator like a rat or a snake or a crow to crawl in and get them.

In the above picture, you can see a one-way funnel exclusion screen, which is one of many tools used for bat control depending upon the particular architecture and situation. The bats are able to fly out, but not able to fly back in. High numbers of bats had to make their way out of this building, but once I screened every last hole and excluded them, they were blocked out permanently. Bats are very common in Sanford, FL. This is probably due the the town's proximity to large lakes, Lake Jessup in particular. Lakes mean insects, and bats also need water (the first thing they do when they emerge at dusk is head for water and have a drink.

Do it yourself: Visit my How To Get Rid of Bats page for tips and advice.
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Bats are flying animals that come out at night and sleep in the day. They prefer to spend their day in a dark area with minimal activity. There are over nine hundred different species of bats around the world and forty of those species live in the United States alone. Bats have a life expectancy of up to thirty years. Understanding a bat’s normal environment requirements will help you with bat control in Sanford, Florida.

The Appearance of a Bat

The body of a bat is covered with hair. They have large ears, which guides them around objects and helps them locate insects while they are flying around at night. The adult bat can weigh no more than three pounds. They feature a good-sized wingspan that has two membranes that stretch across the fingers as well as the arm bones. The wings feature bumps that are called Merkel Cells and they aid the bat with flying at the best speeds and at the greatest height. Bats are mammals, and they are the only mammal that can fly.

Controlling Bats Around Your Home

Because bats like to search for dark places to sleep, they are commonly found in attics of homes as well as buildings that are not used very often. You will want to bat-proof your home as soon as you move in to prevent a bat infestation from occurring. Once bats settle into your attic, they will have babies there and create a disaster inside your home leaving urine and feces everywhere. They are also known to come through the holes within the openings of the chimneys as well as installed door sweeps. Once you have bats move in, they can be extremely difficult to remove. That is why you should take the precautions necessary to prevent them from entering in the first place. Bats like the warmer temperatures found in the Florida area and when they make it into the attic or building, they enjoy the warmth that your home provides.

Bat Prevention

In order to control a bat infestation, you need to figure out a way to stop it in the first place. Remember, bats like the darker places to sleep and your attic is perfect. You will want to bat-proof your home by closing off or blocking any openings around your chimney. You will also want to walk around your home at dusk and look around your home to see if you can spot any bats flying around. If you see them enter your home or building, you can bet they have already set up a home inside. They could be returning to check on their young or to go back to their new home and rest a bit before going out for a flight. If you notice bats entering your home, the best way to handle it is to call a professional who can remove the bats from your home and relocate them to a safe place where they will be out of your attic and no harm will be done to them.

Bats are flying animals that come out at night and sleep in the day. They prefer to spend their day in a dark area with minimal activity. There are over nine hundred different species of bats around the world and forty of those species live in the United States alone. Bats have a life expectancy of up to thirty years. Understanding a bat’s normal environment requirements will help you with bat control in Sanford, Florida.

The Appearance of a Bat

The body of a bat is covered with hair. They have large ears, which guides them around objects and helps them locate insects while they are flying around at night. The adult bat can weigh no more than three pounds. They feature a good-sized wingspan that has two membranes that stretch across the fingers as well as the arm bones. The wings feature bumps that are called Merkel Cells and they aid the bat with flying at the best speeds and at the greatest height. Bats are mammals, and they are the only mammal that can fly.

Controlling Bats Around Your Home

Because bats like to search for dark places to sleep, they are commonly found in attics of homes as well as buildings that are not used very often. You will want to bat-proof your home as soon as you move in to prevent a bat infestation from occurring. Once bats settle into your attic, they will have babies there and create a disaster inside your home leaving urine and feces everywhere. They are also known to come through the holes within the openings of the chimneys as well as installed door sweeps. Once you have bats move in, they can be extremely difficult to remove. That is why you should take the precautions necessary to prevent them from entering in the first place.

Bats like the warmer temperatures found in the Florida area and when they make it into the attic or building, they enjoy the warmth that your home provides.

Bat Prevention

In order to control a bat infestation, you need to figure out a way to stop it in the first place. Remember, bats like the darker places to sleep and your attic is perfect. You will want to bat-proof your home by closing off or blocking any openings around your chimney. You will also want to walk around your home at dusk and look around your home to see if you can spot any bats flying around. If you see them enter your home or building, you can bet they have already set up a home inside. They could be returning to check on their young or to go back to their new home and rest a bit before going out for a flight.

If you notice bats entering your home, the best way to handle it is to call a professional who can remove the bats from your home and relocate them to a safe place where they will be out of your attic and no harm will be done to them.

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