Essex County Animal Services / New Jersey NJ

Information about domestic and wild animal problems in Essex County

County Animal ServicesIf you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Essex County animal services for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses, pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals.

Essex County Animal Services: (973) 824-7080

REPORT WILDLIFE ISSUES: (973) 824-7080 or 609-292-6685

To report a dead animal on the road, an injured bird, a lost baby squirrel, a dangerous bear, or anything like that, call any of these free government animal services:

  • Essex County Animal Services: (973) 824-7080
  • New Jersey Wildlife Commission: 609-292-6685
  • Newark police department: 973-733-6000
These agencies often deal with public wildlife issues or animal concerns where the public health or safety is involved, or other types of animal issues. These are free services.

Critter Problem at Your House? Hire Pest Animal Removal
Wildlife removal is not a free service.

Newark Wildlife ControlEssex County does not provide free wildlife control services. If you want to pay for critter removal services, call Pest Animal Removal at 973-607-2206. They provide professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the city of Newark. They offer custom Newark wild animal control solutions for almost any type of wildlife problem, whether it be the noises of squirrels running through the attic, a colony of bats living in a building, or the destructive behavior of a raccoon, they have the experience and the tools to quickly and professionally solve your animal problem in Essex County in New Jersey. Check their prices, and for a consultation, give them a call at 973-607-2206

At EG Wildlife Control & Repairs, our varied experience and continuing education provides us with a solid base of biological and wildlife damage control knowledge. Education of our clients is an important component as well, and we take extra care to ensure that our clients are aware of their nuisance animal's biology and behaviors. We are staffed with skilled carpenters who perform essential repair work to your structure, sealing it against future animal invasion.

It is important to remember that most county animal services in Essex County and elsewhere no longer provide assistance in cases involving wild animals and wildlife management. If you have a wildlife problem or need to get rid of wildlife, need an exterminator or exterminating company, pest control or critter trapping or traps or wild animal prevention in Essex County, you should call a privately owned wildlife removal company at this number: 973-607-2206

We also service the towns of Vauxhall, Cranford, Sergeantsville, and animal capture in Rahway, Baptistown, Hillside, Millburn, Union, Bloomsbury and also animal control in High Bridge, Little York, Glen Gardner, Linden, Oldwick, Riverdale, East Orange, Nutley and pest control in Berkeley Heights, Pittstown, Boonton, and wildlife trapping in New Providence, Milford, Stanton and wild animal services in Roselle NJ, Glen Ridge, Annandale, Roselle Park, West Caldwell, Verona and wildlife management in Mountainside, Lambertville, Fanwood, Maplewood. Squirrels in your attic ? Raccoons in your chimney ? Moles in your lawn ? Woodchucks in your garden ? Bats in your siding ? Skunks under your shed ? Birds in your soffits ? Geese in your park ? Residential and Commercial, We do it all !! Open for service 24 hours a day - 7 Days a week - New Jerseys ONLY wildlife services company owned and operated by NJ State and Nationally Certified Wildlife Control Professionals as well as one of the nations leading instructors to the industry (visit our web site for a complete listing of our credentials). A family run business with over 25 years experience. Fully insured. Start to finish services including trapping and removal, damage repairs, clean outs and prevention exclusion. Referred and trusted by more municipal police and health departments than any other NJ company. Not in our service areas ? we would be happy to refer you a local wildlife control professional anywhere in NJ.

Essex County Wildlife Removal Tip:

Does Rodent Poison Get Rid Of Body As Well? - Getting rid of rodents from your home is never an easy task - it may be time consuming and tedious. If you have taken the decision to use poison in order to eliminate these destructive creatures from your home you may be wondering if rodent poison gets rid of body as well. It does not, once the poison has done its job you will be left with a number of carcasses to dispose of. The manufacturer's instructions may have the necessary information and advice about dealing with any dead rodents and you should be careful to follow those instructions. You may also need to speak with animal control regarding any special requirements your county has regarding the use of poison on wild animals.

It is essential not to just leave the carcasses and assume the rodent poison gets rid of body - leaving a poisoned carcass lying around may pose a threat to other wildlife and even your domestic animals. If possible you should incinerate the poisoned bodies in order to thoroughly dispose of them, and, of course, this is something that should be carried out carefully and responsibly in order to avoid any possible danger to life and property.

Essex County, NJ Animal Control News Clip:

Animal Services - Newark and the Truth about Rodents and Mice or skunks

The Grande Troup, which is endorsed by the humane community, provides a compassionate and intelligent voice for the powerless victims of our public shelters: the animals. For significantly increased information, call the animal services of Newark, New Jersey.

The current Grande Troupers-except for Mr. The rat and squirrel Exterminator--may not be experts on installing cameras to detect fake pizza deliveries, but they are experts on how to combat the violence perpetrated against the mice or skunks, Rodents and other animals that we have a responsibility to protect. Though they may offer assistance with the cuddly pets, don't expect help with growling wild critters.

If Mayor The Animal management fails to honor his promise to fire Mr. The animal and squirrel veterinary specialist and to hire a compassionate and experienced General Manager who can implement a no-kill plan and reform the department, he may find that the animal community is politically-speaking The County squirrel and rat Control, significantly increased bite than bark. Animal and carcass elimination services in Essex County is dedicated to helping New Jersey and Newark.

A decision to retain The animal and squirrel veterinary specialist is likely to become a permanent smudge on The Domestic Pet Leader's finely tailored lapel. The animal community expects the mayor to do the right thing. But in case he doesn't, they have forwarded this article to the Republican Party. No response was issued by Essex County animal services.

Once operated by the city, the facility will only be responsible for animal control and adoption within the city limits. From taking in strays to selling licenses for pets, the city will assume all the services the shelter Currently provides. "The squirrelfish need a bigger place, a better place," said Coachella resident Lucia Wildlife Management, who was glad to hear the city wants to renovate the old building. Taking action: Wildlife Management said an "emergency exists" because the city was only recently notified that the county, which currently runs the facility, will move into the new Thousand Palms valley wide shelter by mid-December.

Remember, for a dog/cat problem, call (973) 824-7080, and if you need wildlife removal service in Essex County, call Pest Animal Removal: 973-607-2206.

Select Your Animal

Stray DogsNewark Stray Dog Removal Information

Stray CatsNewark Stray Cat Removal Information

RaccoonsNewark Raccoon Removal Information

SquirrelsNewark Squirrel Removal Information

OpossumNewark Opossum Removal Information

SkunksNewark Skunk Removal Information

RatsNewark Rat Removal Information

MiceNewark Mouse Removal Information

MolesNewark Mole Removal Information

GroundhogNewark Groundhog Removal Information

ArmadillosNewark Armadillo Removal Information

BeaverNewark Beaver Removal Information

FoxNewark Fox Removal Information

CoyotesNewark Coyote Removal Information

BirdsNewark Bird Removal Information

BatsNewark Bat Removal Information

SnakesNewark Snake Removal Information

DeadNewark Dead Animal Removal Information

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information