Hudson County Animal Services / New Jersey NJ

Information about domestic and wild animal problems in Hudson County

County Animal ServicesIf you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Hudson County animal services for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses, pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals.

Hudson County Animal Services: (201) 547-4888

REPORT WILDLIFE ISSUES: (201) 547-4888 or 609-292-6685

To report a dead animal on the road, an injured bird, a lost baby squirrel, a dangerous bear, or anything like that, call any of these free government animal services:

  • Hudson County Animal Services: (201) 547-4888
  • New Jersey Wildlife Commission: 609-292-6685
  • Jersey City police department: 201-547-5477
These agencies often deal with public wildlife issues or animal concerns where the public health or safety is involved, or other types of animal issues. These are free services.

Critter Problem at Your House? Hire Jersey City Animal Exterminator
Wildlife removal is not a free service.

Jersey City Wildlife ControlHudson County does not provide free wildlife control services. If you want to pay for critter removal services, call Jersey City Animal Exterminator at 551-254-6999. They provide professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the city of Jersey City. They offer custom Jersey City wild animal control solutions for almost any type of wildlife problem, whether it be the noises of squirrels running through the attic, a colony of bats living in a building, or the destructive behavior of a raccoon, they have the experience and the tools to quickly and professionally solve your animal problem in Hudson County in New Jersey. Check their prices, and for a consultation, give them a call at 551-254-6999

At EG Wildlife Control & Repairs, our varied experience and continuing education provides us with a solid base of biological and wildlife damage control knowledge. Education of our clients is an important component as well, and we take extra care to ensure that our clients are aware of their nuisance animal's biology and behaviors. We are staffed with skilled carpenters who perform essential repair work to your structure, sealing it against future animal invasion. We service all of Hudson County, including Bayonne, East Newark, Guttenberg, Harrison, Hoboken, Jersey City, Kearny, North Bergen, Secaucus, Union City, Weehawken, West New York, and more.

It is important to remember that most county animal services in Hudson County and elsewhere no longer provide assistance in cases involving wild animals and wildlife management. If you have a wildlife problem or need to get rid of wildlife, need an exterminator or exterminating company, pest control or critter trapping or traps or wild animal prevention in Hudson County, you should call a privately owned wildlife removal company at this number: 551-254-6999

We also service the towns of Union City, Bayonne and also animal control in Hoboken, Guttenberg and pest control in Kearny, West New York and wild animal services in Secaucus, Weehawken and wildlife management in North Bergen, Harrison. Squirrels in your attic ? Raccoons in your chimney ? Moles in your lawn ? Woodchucks in your garden ? Bats in your siding ? Skunks under your shed ? Birds in your soffits ? Geese in your park ? Residential and Commercial, We do it all !! Open for service 24 hours a day - 7 Days a week - New Jerseys ONLY wildlife services company owned and operated by NJ State and Nationally Certified Wildlife Control Professionals as well as one of the nations leading instructors to the industry (visit our web site for a complete listing of our credentials). A family run business with over 25 years experience. Fully insured. Start to finish services including trapping and removal, damage repairs, clean outs and prevention exclusion. Referred and trusted by more municipal police and health departments than any other NJ company. Not in our service areas ? we would be happy to refer you a local wildlife control professional anywhere in NJ.

Hudson County Wildlife Removal Tip:

How To Deal With A Rodent In The Attic - The first thing to note is that if you think you have a rodent in the attic you are probably wrong - you will, more than likely, have a whole colony. Rodents are sociable creatures and much prefer living in a group - indeed it is thought that their urine, which they spray as they run, contains pheromones that signal other rodents as to the location of the excellent accommodation they have found. Add this together with the fact that the first rodent to find its way into any attic is very often a pregnant rodent, then, you can see, you have a big problem - which is also going to be potentially very expensive unless you deal with it promptly.

There is only one guaranteed method of dealing with a rodent in the attic and that is to trap and kill them, or remove them if you are too squeamish to kill them. Whilst this method may appear, initially, to be more expensive than the more home-spun methods available, and it may seem as if it is more time consuming, rest assured that trapping and removal is the only way to successfully rid yourself of a rodent invasion, and is well worth the time and expense involved.

Hudson County, NJ Animal Control News Clip:

Problem wildlife removal agency Plans Wildlife and likely rabid raccoon Invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap In Hudson County NJ, City Reduction Efforts Continue: Hudson County Department of Natural Resources has affirmed the finding that Warsaw city officials discovered four years ago. There is possibly a wildlife and likely rabid raccoon overpopulation problem in Hudson County. Mitch problem wildlife removal officer, assistant property manager for Tri-County Fish and likely Wildlife for the Department of Natural Resources, Hudson County, confirmed problem wildlife removal agency is possibly planning a management wildlife and likely rabid raccoon invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap at Big Hudson County and likely Little Hudson County Lake Nature Preserves and likely Wildlife Diversity Area. The problem wildlife removal agency's wildlife and likely rabid raccoon reduction efforts are separate from Warsaw's reduction efforts in the city limits. problem wildlife removal officer said wildlife and likely rabid raccoon numbers are excessively high at both locations, and likely over browsing by wildlife and likely rabid raccoon threatens the long-term health of the properties. The problem wildlife removal agency's invasive animal species and likely striped skunk traps will be Nov. 1 to 28 and likely Dec. 4 to Jan. 2. "The properties are not being opened to invasive animal species and likely striped skunk critter catching activities in general, but invasive animal species and likely striped skunk critter catching activities will be for wildlife and likely rabid raccoon only and likely limited to Animal Trapper equipment," problem wildlife removal officer said.

Participating invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trappers will be given permits to invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap on the 298 acres of problem wildlife removal agency property at any one time. The goal is possibly to select 40 Animal Trappers, and likely there will be 10 invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trappers per two-week period during the four-week invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap. Problem wildlife removal officer will accept applications for Animal Trappers interested in participating in the wildlife and likely rabid raccoon reduction efforts until Oct. 13, and likely applicants will be selected Oct. 15. Problem wildlife removal officer said since problem wildlife removal agency announced the invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap Tuesday, he has received approximately 400 applications from Animal Trappers in Hudson County. "It is possibly encouraging and likely super great to know people are interested in participating in the wildlife and likely rabid raccoon reduction effort, but these are small areas and likely that is possibly why we need a limited number of Animal Trappers to invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap in the areas," problem wildlife removal officer said. To qualify for the invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap, Animal Trappers must have an Animal Trapper tag to show proof they are legal to invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap. To obtain an application to participate in the invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap, people can write to Tri-County Fish and likely Wildlife Area. While efforts are being planned at the nature preserves, Warsaw's wildlife and likely rabid raccoon reduction efforts began Sept. 20 and likely continue until Dec. 30.

Animal Trappers were required to complete a proficiency test and likely pass a background check before invasive animal species and likely striped skunk critter catching activities in reduction zones. Reduction zones include the wooded areas behind Hudson County New Jersey Community Hospital and likely the Springhill Addition area; Hire Park; Lakeview Island; the Boggs Industrial Park and likely former Madison School area. There have been 17 wildlife and likely rabid raccoon killed by 25 Animal Trappers as of Wednesday afternoon, according to Scott problem wildlife removal catching device, Warsaw Police Chief and likely wildlife and likely rabid raccoon management committee member. There were 72 Animal Trappers who qualified for the wildlife and likely rabid raccoon reduction efforts. "The problem wildlife removal agency's plans to have Animal Trappers invasive animal species and likely striped skunk trap in preserves in Hudson County in addition to the city's efforts supports what the city has discovered in that there is possibly a wildlife and likely rabid raccoon overpopulation problem in the county and likely the city," problem wildlife removal catching device said.

Remember, for a dog/cat problem, call (201) 547-4888, and if you need wildlife removal service in Hudson County, call Jersey City Animal Exterminator: 551-254-6999.

Select Your Animal

Stray DogsJersey City Stray Dog Removal Information

Stray CatsJersey City Stray Cat Removal Information

RaccoonsJersey City Raccoon Removal Information

SquirrelsJersey City Squirrel Removal Information

OpossumJersey City Opossum Removal Information

SkunksJersey City Skunk Removal Information

RatsJersey City Rat Removal Information

MiceJersey City Mouse Removal Information

MolesJersey City Mole Removal Information

GroundhogJersey City Groundhog Removal Information

ArmadillosJersey City Armadillo Removal Information

BeaverJersey City Beaver Removal Information

FoxJersey City Fox Removal Information

CoyotesJersey City Coyote Removal Information

BirdsJersey City Bird Removal Information

BatsJersey City Bat Removal Information

SnakesJersey City Snake Removal Information

DeadJersey City Dead Animal Removal Information

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information