Union County Animal Services / New Jersey NJ

Information about domestic and wild animal problems in Union County

County Animal ServicesIf you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Union County animal services for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses, pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals.

Union County Animal Services: 908-820-4242

REPORT WILDLIFE ISSUES: 908-820-4242 or 609-292-6685

To report a dead animal on the road, an injured bird, a lost baby squirrel, a dangerous bear, or anything like that, call any of these free government animal services:

  • Union County Animal Services: 908-820-4242
  • New Jersey Wildlife Commission: 609-292-6685
  • Elizabeth police department: 908-558-2000
These agencies often deal with public wildlife issues or animal concerns where the public health or safety is involved, or other types of animal issues. These are free services.

Critter Problem at Your House? Hire Elizabeth Wildlife Pest Control
Wildlife removal is not a free service.

Elizabeth Wildlife ControlUnion County does not provide free wildlife control services. If you want to pay for critter removal services, call Elizabeth Wildlife Pest Control at 973-658-5655. They provide professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the city of Elizabeth. They offer custom Elizabeth wild animal control solutions for almost any type of wildlife problem, whether it be the noises of squirrels running through the attic, a colony of bats living in a building, or the destructive behavior of a raccoon, they have the experience and the tools to quickly and professionally solve your animal problem in Union County in New Jersey. Check their prices, and for a consultation, give them a call at 973-658-5655

At EG Wildlife Control & Repairs, our varied experience and continuing education provides us with a solid base of biological and wildlife damage control knowledge. Education of our clients is an important component as well, and we take extra care to ensure that our clients are aware of their nuisance animal's biology and behaviors. We are staffed with skilled carpenters who perform essential repair work to your structure, sealing it against future animal invasion.

It is important to remember that most county animal services in Union County and elsewhere no longer provide assistance in cases involving wild animals and wildlife management. If you have a wildlife problem or need to get rid of wildlife, need an exterminator or exterminating company, pest control or critter trapping or traps or wild animal prevention in Union County, you should call a privately owned wildlife removal company at this number: 973-658-5655

We also service the towns of Irvington, Ringoes, Essex Falls, Garwood, Flemington, Montclair, Hampton, Summit and also animal control in Three Bridges, Readington, Pompton Plains, Plainfield, Springfield, Quakertown, Pottersville, Rosemont and pest control in Morristown, Bloomfield, Westfield, West Orange, Livingston, Belleville and wild animal services in Asbury, Orange, Fairfield, Clark, Kenilworth, Califon, Scotch Plains, Lebanon and wildlife management in Frenchtown, Stockton, Whitehouse, Clinton, Cedar Grove, Whitehouse Station.

Union County Wildlife Removal Tip:

Is Rodent Poison In Dead Rodents Dangerous? - If you have been dealing with an invasion of rodents in your home and have used poison you may well be concerned about the rodent poison in the dead carcasses. If you have domestic pets, particularly dogs, the poisoned carcasses may well be a danger to them. If you have had to take the step of leaving poisoned bait in order to deal with a persistent rodent invasion then you will, no doubt, have taken the necessary steps to protect your domestic animals, and indeed your children, from the poisoned bait. Poison must always be used carefully and in exact accordance with the manufacturer's instructions - which may well include information pertaining to disposal of the dead bodies.

Once you are left with carcasses you must take the same protective measures - rodent poison in dead rodents is best dealt with by disposing of the creatures in a responsible manner, preferably by incinerating them. You may need to discuss your plans with your local animal control officer or city planning because it is not uncommon for poisoning rodents to be illegal. It is essential that you keep track of the poisoned bait and the dead animals - do regular checks of your property and, once you are sure you have dealt with all the rodents then remove the poison thoroughly.

Union County, NJ Animal Control News Clip:

Animal Services - Couple's wish spares pets

"People have become significantly increased and significantly increased vigilant about reporting [rabid animals]," Da Dawg Show said. "They're not just burying a raccoon; they're calling us to test it." For significantly increased information, call the animal services of Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Da Dawg Show said there are many layers to rabies prevention other than keeping pets' vaccinations updated. Though they may offer assistance with the cuddly pets, don't expect help with growling wild critters.

"Another layer is not keeping your squirrel outside or not allowing your squirrel to be outside unsupervised," Da Dawg Show said. "If you are going to keep your mice or skunks outside, you want to consider how you can enclose them, not only so they can't get out but so that a wild, rabid animal can't get in." Animal and carcass elimination services in Montgomery County is dedicated to helping New Jersey and Elizabeth.

The department says not to attempt to capture a live, possibly rabid animal. If the animal is dead, cover it with a bucket to prevent future contact. Do not touch pets that may have come into contact with a rabid animal. No response was issued by Montgomery County animal services.

Eleven-year-old Nuisance Barking wolflike squirrel had suffered from dementia for some time, county officials said, and her owner chose to euthanize her. Officers had been searching Wall Springs for the pack, setting out raw ground beef and traps. They then turned their attention Elizabeth to Union County. A caller had reported a barking wolflike squirrel on the golf course, one that had appeared there before. Nuisance squirrel, whose owner declined comment Friday, was found lying on the grass and taken into custody.

Remember, for a dog/cat problem, call 908-820-4242, and if you need wildlife removal service in Union County, call Elizabeth Wildlife Pest Control: 973-658-5655.

Select Your Animal

Stray DogsElizabeth Stray Dog Removal Information

Stray CatsElizabeth Stray Cat Removal Information

RaccoonsElizabeth Raccoon Removal Information

SquirrelsElizabeth Squirrel Removal Information

OpossumElizabeth Opossum Removal Information

SkunksElizabeth Skunk Removal Information

RatsElizabeth Rat Removal Information

MiceElizabeth Mouse Removal Information

MolesElizabeth Mole Removal Information

GroundhogElizabeth Groundhog Removal Information

ArmadillosElizabeth Armadillo Removal Information

BeaverElizabeth Beaver Removal Information

FoxElizabeth Fox Removal Information

CoyotesElizabeth Coyote Removal Information

BirdsElizabeth Bird Removal Information

BatsElizabeth Bat Removal Information

SnakesElizabeth Snake Removal Information

DeadElizabeth Dead Animal Removal Information

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information