This is the government animal control services operating in Fresno County and sponsored by the city of Fresno. This agency typically deals with domestic animal
issues involving dogs and cats. This includes things like dangerous dogs, stray cats, pet adoptions, etc. However, this agency will sometimes lend assistance
with wildlife concerns. Call (559) 600-7387 and ask if they will assist with your wildlife problem. To increase the chance of success, do not lie, but if applicable,
state that the problem is a public health matter in Fresno, or that you feel the public safety is at risk, perhaps due to the spread of rabies or other diseases.
This is NOT a government agency. It is privately run, and operates on volunteer donations. This is a wildlife rehabber facility that deals strictly with
wild animals. They may be able to help you with your wildlife problem, depending on the type of problem. The level of help might depend on their resources
at the time. They will almost surely help in any case of an injured wild animal, or an orphaned baby animal, such as a baby squirrel or bird that fell out of
a tree, or a baby opossum, etc. Please treat Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation kindly and donate if you are able to.
This is the statewide government wildlife agency in California, using your tax dollars to address wildlife issues.
Sometimes called the California Fish & Wildlife Agency. California game wardens address many wildlife management matters, from hunting licenses, to poaching, endangered species, and yes, wildlife management.
They deal with wild animals outside the range of a pest control company, such as cougars or bears. But they also have resources that may apply to your wildlife problem. To increase the chance of success,
state that the problem is a public health matter in California perhaps due to the spread of rabies or other diseases.
Yes, the Fresno police department will sometimes help with wildlife problems! I've seen many cases of the cops chasing down an errant bat in your house or snake
in your pool! To increase the chance of success, never lie to the police dispatcher, but if applicable, state that you feel your personal safety is at risk, or
the problem is a public safety matter in Fresno, or a public health issue perhaps due to the spread of rabies or other diseases. Success may come down to whether or not a police officer wants to
show up to this call, or is available. It's not always consistent.
If you can't manage to get free service, we can help. No free agency is going to provide the level of service we provide. We specialize in all aspects of wildlife
control. It's what we do. If you have animals in your attic, for example, you need someone to inspect your home and attic, identify and remove the animals with
advanced techniques and equipment, you need repairs to your roof or vents to keep critters out, and repair and cleanup in your attic. The Fresno or California government
services aren't going to do that for you. Call us if you want to get:
We service the Fresno, Ca area and the whole Central Valley and Sierra Nevada Foothills including wild animal control in Madera, Clovis, Hanford, Tulare, Porterville, and more! Go back to the main Fresno Wildlife Control page to learm more about our company.
Fresno Wildlife Removal Professionals provides professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the
city of Fresno in California. We offer custom animal control solutions for almost any type of wildlife problem, whether
it be the noises of squirrels running through the attic, a colony of bats living in a building, animals digging in your yard, or
the destructive behavior of a raccoon or other critter, we have the experience and the tools to quickly and professionally
solve your problem. For a consultation and price quote, give us a call at 559-472-7780
Fresno Wildlife Tip:
Is There A Method Of Removal Of Squirrels - If you have a squirrel problem you may feel overwhelmed by the thought of getting rid of them. Squirrel removal seems to be problematic at best - but it is of course essential for the well-being of your home! There are lots of home remedies which purport to 'definitely work' - but they don't. There are also many bells and whistles on the market claiming to have the scientific evidential proof that they 'definitely work' -most of them don't.
The only fool proof, guaranteed method of squirrel removal is the use of traps - and preferably killing the animals once they are caught. Squirrels are highly intelligent members of the rodent family; they are also extremely stubborn and adaptable. If you put some mothballs on the squirrel run - your squirrel will just push them out of the way; they will ignore the ultrasonic noise which will supposedly make them run for their lives. In short, once they have found some good digs squirrels like to stay put. This means that investing in traps - or the services of a pest control company is the only sure fire way of removing your squirrel problem. And, sadly, if you want a guaranteed permanent solution then humanely killing the squirrels after trapping is the only way forward.
We are happy to provide the information for free Fresno wildlife removal services. Hopefully one of these agencies is able to help you. If not, we are happy to help you solve your wildlife problem, quickly, professionally, and humanely. Our wildlife control work is superior to any of the work you will find from these free services. Feel free to call us 24/7 at 559-472-7780 to discuss your wildlife issue, and we can give you a price quote over the phone.