Newark NJ Wildlife Information

New Jersey Wildlife Commission: 609-292-6685

New Jersey Game WardenIf you have any questions about the wildlife of Newark, you can contact the New Jersey Wildlife Commission, sometimes called the New Jersey Fish & Wildlife Agency. New Jersey game wardens address many wildlife management matters, from hunting licenses, to poaching, endangered species, and Newark wildlife management. They deal with wild animals outside the range of a pest control company, such as cougars or bears. If you have a problem with nuisance wildlife in Newark like squirrels, snakes, bats, or raccoons, the state agency is very unlikely to help. You need to hire a private company (here are their prices) such as Pest Animal Removal at 973-607-2206.

I also have listed several sources for free Newark wildlife help. One example, if you've found an injured animal or lost baby bird or other baby animal is the Newark Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic: 609-924-5704 Or just read below for more info about the wild animals of Newark.

Types of Wildlife and Animal Problems in Newark, NJ

New Jersey State bird: Eastern goldfinch
State mammal: Horse
State fish: Brook trout
State insect: European honeybee

New Jersey has four very different habitat regions, making it one of the most bio-diverse states in the United States. The coastal area is loaded with beaches and almost has a completely different human culture than the rest of the state. Urban New Jersey is right across from New York City, and this is one of the most densely populated areas of the state. In contrast, the southern part of New Jersey is dominated by pine trees and thick forest, and it is sparsely populated with people compared to the rest of the state. Up in the northwest, hardwood forests and mountains start the transition into the type of vegetation seen in the rest of the Northeast.

The wide variety of habitats means a wide variety of animals. New Jersey has over 1000 different animal species. These animals find homes in pine forests, hardwood forests, freshwater and saltwater marshes, and beach ecosystems.

Of the 90 different mammal species in this state, the black bear is the largest. These predators are most commonly found in the northwest portion of the state but have been spotted in every county. The bears are particularly problematic because of how populated the northwest part of the state is with humans. As a rule, black bears mind their own business; however, in a state where people and garbage are plentiful, bears can become frequent visitors to local dumps or garbage cans. The second largest predator in this state is the coyote. These canines are scarce, and spend their time in the wilder region of New Jersey. The large predators in this state are not considered nuisance animals like the smaller mammals that like to run amok.

Hikers out looking for animals will find more white-tailed deer than in any other state in the country. In addition to the deer, squirrels, skunks, foxes, raccoons, beaver, and groundhogs are all common sightings when out in the woods. Mammals don't hold all the glory for wildlife spotters. New Jersey has hundreds of bird species, including a growing population of bald eagles.

With so much water in the state, it's no wonder there are over 300 species of fish, reptiles, and amphibians in both freshwater and saltwater regions. New Jersey has swordfish, sturgeon, copperhead snakes, rattlesnakes, snapping turtles, and a colorful frog known as the Pine Barrens tree frog.

If you need a professional wildlife trapper in Newark, NJ call Pest Animal Removal: 973-607-2206

Newark Raccoons:

This masked animal is fairly common in Newark, NJ. They frequently raid trash cans and steal pet food. They also often choose to live in the attic or chimney of your home. One of New Jersey's beautiful animals, but often a nuisance. We offer Newark raccoon removal.

Newark Squirrels:

Squirrels are often a pest in Newark. They love to live in an attic, and will chew on wood or electrical wires. They are agile creatures, and live throughout the state of New Jersey. Call Pest Animal Removal if you need squirrel removal in Newark.

Newark Opossum:

You may spot this animal in Newark at night time, perhaps rooting through your garbage. This opportunistic animal will take your pet's food or live under your porch. The possum is a great New Jersey survivor, and not all that ugly.

Newark Snakes:

There are many species of snakes in Newark, but few are venomous. If you need help identifying snakes of New Jersey, browse this site or give us a call at 973-607-2206. We at Pest Animal Removal can provide Newark snake control any time you need us.

Newark Rat Control:

The Norway Rat, Roof Rat, and House Mouse inhabit most areas of North America that people inhabit, including most New Jersey cities. They contaminate food and love to live in the walls or attic of a home. Pest Animal Removal can get rid of them once and for all.

Newark Bats:

Bats are special animals, and found throughout New Jersey. They are good creatures and eat a lot of insects, but if you have an infestation of bats in your home or building, you can give us a call for professional Newark bat removal and control.


To report a dead animal on the road, an injured bird, a lost baby squirrel, a dangerous bear, or anything like that, call animal services at (973) 824-7080

If they can't help, call the New Jersey Wildlife Commission at (973) 824-7080. You can also call your local sheriff department at (973) 824-7080 - they often deal with public wildlife issues.

We are experts with all kinds of NJ wildlife and are familiar with the wild animals native to Newark. If you need Newark pigeon control, geese or other bird removal, we can help. We are experts with skunks and skunk problems, digging animals such as moles, armadillos, & groundhogs, and we offer New Jersey beaver control and removal. Pest Animal Removal also provides dead animal removal services. 973-607-2206

At EG Wildlife Control & Repairs, our varied experience and continuing education provides us with a solid base of biological and wildlife damage control knowledge. Education of our clients is an important component as well, and we take extra care to ensure that our clients are aware of their nuisance animal's biology and behaviors. We are staffed with skilled carpenters who perform essential repair work to your structure, sealing it against future animal invasion.

Newark Wildlife Tip
Does Rodent Poison Get Rid Of Body As Well? - Getting rid of rodents from your home is never an easy task - it may be time consuming and tedious. If you have taken the decision to use poison in order to eliminate these destructive creatures from your home you may be wondering if rodent poison gets rid of body as well. It does not, once the poison has done its job you will be left with a number of carcasses to dispose of. The manufacturer's instructions may have the necessary information and advice about dealing with any dead rodents and you should be careful to follow those instructions. You may also need to speak with animal control regarding any special requirements your county has regarding the use of poison on wild animals.

It is essential not to just leave the carcasses and assume the rodent poison gets rid of body - leaving a poisoned carcass lying around may pose a threat to other wildlife and even your domestic animals. If possible you should incinerate the poisoned bodies in order to thoroughly dispose of them, and, of course, this is something that should be carried out carefully and responsibly in order to avoid any possible danger to life and property.
Newark, NJ Wildlife News Clip:
Wildlife Regulation - House rat and mouse exterminating season begins

A strong fall foliage is making house rat and mouse harder to see, according to reports from exterminators, he said. "There are still a lot of leaves on the trees and a lot of vegetation because of all the moisture we've received, so the house rat and mouse are harder to spot," he said. "That means the house rat and mouse Bug sprayers are going to have to work for their house rat and mouse this year." The largest pest regulation company in Newark was interviewed, but shared nothing.

At check stations across the state, Bug sprayers are bringing in house rat and mouse that are in excellent condition, he said. "We are really happy about that," he said. "It looks like we are going to enter winter in good shape." Bug sprayers have been taking "a nice mix of older and younger house rat and mouse," he said. Some of the largest house rat and mouse taken around the state appear to have come from the central region, which includes Essex County, he said. This is a departure from the normal no-pest policy of the area..

As of 2 p.m., the check station at the bottom of Spanish Fork Canyon had witnessed a total of 22 house rat and mouse, he said, including 12 yearlings. Twelve of the 22 were spike house rat and mouse with two points, he said. The other ten had three points or better. "One was a 5x3, and there was a 4x4, and both of those house rat and mouse had a 25-inch black scaly tail spread," he said. "There was also a 6x6 that measured 24 inches wide. It was kind of unusual to see a house rat and mouse with that many points." No members of the Newark Pest Society could be found to issue a statement.

If he could send just a little rain to go with it, my seeds could germinate and grow. Then again, pest man forgot that pest man still have lime and fertilizer to spread. But at least my friends, both of them, tell me I'm really good at spreading "fertilizer." Wonders what they mean by that? Still, of all the mental and physical problems pest man have, pest man also have at least one good problem. And that's the fact that pest man has too much to write about and not enough space to accomplish that. Continued next week ...Newark pest control.

Critter Problem at Your House? Hire Pest Animal Removal
Wildlife removal is not a free service.

Newark Wildlife ControlIf you have a Newark wildlife problem and need help, call Pest Animal Removal at 973-607-2206. They provide professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the city of Newark. They offer custom Newark wildlife control solutions for almost any type of wildlife problem, whether it be the noises of squirrels running through the attic, a colony of bats living in a building, or the destructive behavior of a raccoon, they have the experience and the tools to quickly and professionally solve your wild animal problem in Essex County in New Jersey. Check their prices, and for a consultation, give them a call at 973-607-2206

We also service the towns of Vauxhall, Cranford, Sergeantsville, and animal capture in Rahway, Baptistown, Hillside, Millburn, Union, Bloomsbury and also animal control in High Bridge, Little York, Glen Gardner, Linden, Oldwick, Riverdale, East Orange, Nutley and pest control in Berkeley Heights, Pittstown, Boonton, and wildlife trapping in New Providence, Milford, Stanton and wild animal services in Roselle NJ, Glen Ridge, Annandale, Roselle Park, West Caldwell, Verona and wildlife management in Mountainside, Lambertville, Fanwood, Maplewood. Squirrels in your attic ? Raccoons in your chimney ? Moles in your lawn ? Woodchucks in your garden ? Bats in your siding ? Skunks under your shed ? Birds in your soffits ? Geese in your park ? Residential and Commercial, We do it all !! Open for service 24 hours a day - 7 Days a week - New Jerseys ONLY wildlife services company owned and operated by NJ State and Nationally Certified Wildlife Control Professionals as well as one of the nations leading instructors to the industry (visit our web site for a complete listing of our credentials). A family run business with over 25 years experience. Fully insured. Start to finish services including trapping and removal, damage repairs, clean outs and prevention exclusion. Referred and trusted by more municipal police and health departments than any other NJ company. Not in our service areas ? we would be happy to refer you a local wildlife control professional anywhere in NJ.

You're still reading this page? We do not operate Newark wildlife rescue, or a Newark zoo or nature center, or Newark wildlife sanctuary or refuge for volunteers. We are a privately owned nuisance wildlife removal service company. If you need a pro in Newark to solve your problem for you, call Pest Animal Removal: 973-607-2206 and they can help you with your Newark wildlife problem.

Select Your Animal

RaccoonsNewark Raccoon Removal Information

SquirrelsNewark Squirrel Removal Information

OpossumNewark Opossum Removal Information

SkunksNewark Skunk Removal Information

RatsNewark Rat Removal Information

MiceNewark Mouse Removal Information

MolesNewark Mole Removal Information

GroundhogNewark Groundhog Removal Information

ArmadillosNewark Armadillo Removal Information

BeaverNewark Beaver Removal Information

FoxNewark Fox Removal Information

CoyotesNewark Coyote Removal Information

BirdsNewark Bird Removal Information

BatsNewark Bat Removal Information

SnakesNewark Snake Removal Information

DeadNewark Dead Animal Removal Information

ChipmunksNewark Chipmunk Removal Information

VolesNewark Vole Removal Information

DeerNewark Deer Removal Information

Flying SquirrelNewark Flying Squirrel Removal Information

GophersNewark Gopher Removal Information

Prairie DogNewark Prairie Dog Removal Information

Feral PigsNewark Feral Pig Removal Information

AlligatorsNewark Alligator Removal Information

IguanasNewark Iguana Removal Information

MuskratsNewark Muskrat Removal Information

NutriaNewark Nutria Removal Information

OttersNewark Otter Removal Information

PigeonsNewark Pigeon Removal Information

GooseNewark Goose Removal Information

Muscovy DuckNewark Muscovy Duck Removal Information

StarlingsNewark Starling Removal Information

WoodpeckerNewark Woodpecker Removal Information

PorcupinesNewark Porcupine Removal Information

RabbitsNewark Rabbit Removal Information

WeaselsNewark Weasel Removal Information

Stray DogsNewark Stray Dog Removal Information

Stray CatsNewark Stray Cat Removal Information

OthersOther Wildlife Species Information