Are wildlife babies cute?

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Yes, the majority of wild animals are cute. Absolutely adorable, in fact. That is, of course, until you get up close and personal with them and something goes wrong. Getting close to baby animals can actually be rather dangerous for you, especially if you get the situation wrong. Female wild animals are vicious creatures when it comes to their youngsters, and the babies themselves can be deadly in more ways than one too.

It would be safe to assume that ALL wild animals are dangerous, regardless of age, species, or cute-factor.

It's not so much the teeth and claws of he baby animals that you need to worry about. Most of them probably don't even know what to do with their own claws and teeth, dependant on the age of the baby animal you have found. It's the mother you need to concern yourself with. If she catches you getting too close to her babies there will be hell to pay. She will attack you, doing everything in her power and using every tool at her disposal to make sure she gets you as far away from her young as she can.

Even if the mother doesn't catch you, the story doesn't have a happier ending. When you're talking about zoonotic disease — diseases that can be passed from animal to human and vice versa — you don't even need to make contact with the animal at all. The animal can easily contaminate god and water sources, as well as spreading disease is urine and feces, as well as nesting or bedding material. Things get all the more dangerous when you start delving into the world of the diseases that these animals carry with them.

Take bats as an example. They look harmless enough, particularly the babies. Many humans wouldn't even know if an adult bat had bitten them half the time, their tiny teeth are literally that — so tiny, so a baby bat bite wouldn't even appear on the radar. Once again, you don't need even need to get anywhere close to a bat, baby or otherwise, in order to be put at risk. Their droppings, also know as guano, contains the spores of a disease called histoplasmosis. This can cause very severe problems with the respiratory system of adults, and it has a deadly effect on people who already suffer with respiratory or immune systems condition. Even something as simple and seemingly insignificant as a common cold or flue can weaken your immune system, and the disease can cause all the more damage.

It's not just bats with dangerous feces. Raccoons, squirrels, opossums, skunks, and even dogs and cats — domesticated animals — have dangers associated with their waste matter. Salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, and even hantavirus can all be passed on from animal to human by way of droppings and urine. Clearing up animal waste matter is a very complex job, and one that requires very specific safety equipment and clothing in order to complete safely. You can't just scoop it up with a dustpan and brush, and then throw it in the trash. If you were to do this with the droppings of a bat, you would be sending the dry and dusty material into the air, where it can then be ingested. In amongst this dusty matter you will find the disease spores for histoplasmosis. It really isn't as simple a case of sweeping it away, and this is why it is advisable to call upon the professionals.

Dead animals are just as dangerous, sadly, and all this is before we even discuss the topic of rabies. Raccoons, stray dogs, feral cats … Even bats can carry a type of rabies. If you don't have your pets vaccinated against this deadly disease, the outcome really will be deadly, and this is even more so the case if you let them come into contact with wild animals, including babies.

In short, baby wild animals may look cute, but they are just as dangerous as their adult versions, and direct contact isn't even necessary for them to be dangerous. Keep your distance. If you suspect you have a problem with a nest of baby wild animals, call in the professionals. A wildlife removal expert will be able to solve your problem with ease. The same probably can't be said for the average homeowner.

For more information, you may want to click on one of these guides that I wrote:
How To Guide: Who should I hire? - What questions to ask, to look for, who NOT to hire.
How To Guide: do it yourself! - Advice on saving money by doing wildlife removal yourself.
Guide: How much does wildlife removal cost? - Analysis of wildlife control prices.
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