
A young armadillo caught by hand. |
Customer Armadillo Email: Hello, I live in the Memphis, TN area but found your website really useful. I have an armadillo that has been in my front yard on occasion and normally just ignores me until the past 4 nights. Which has caused me to take a little more notice of the fellow, so I have two questions for you if you have time to reply.
1. When I have entered or exited my home over the past 4 nights, I am immediately caught off guard and charged by the armadillo. While I am sure it is funny to see an older overweight woman running from something hopping very quickly across the yard at me I am surprised how quickly the darn thing can move. I thought they were not an aggressive animal? Should I be concerned he has recently contracted rabies or something causing the little guy to go nuts and territorial on me? I can’t walk outside my home after dark without it finding me and chasing me across the front yard, side yard, or back yard. I have tried different paths to not meet up with him, but lately we always seem to meet.
2. And the question you probably get a lot, I saw the response on handling them and
leprosy, but can’t seem to find anything on the internet about simply having them in the yard, can they leave any kind of bacterial trail in my yard that can cause me to catch leoprosy without direct contact with them? I read you could only get it from eating under cooked meat, but I wear sandals often and would hate to have a foot rot off because I have walked across my lawn right after the little varmint did and caught some kind of bacteria.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate you taking the time. Blessings, Kayla
My Answer: Kayla - You can't get rabies from an armadillo, and leprosy is extremely rare, and pretty much impossible to catch. But yes, armadillos can be very quick critters.
If you need armadillo control services in your hometown, click my National Directory of
Armadillos Trappers that I've carefully made for every USA city.
The Nine-Banded Armadillo is definitely an unusual creature. They are not native to anywhere in the United States. They were introduced from Central and South America. This nocturnal creature actually sleeps about 20 hours per day, inside a large
burrow that it dug. It has several such burrows, and if you're concerned about dillos on your property, there's a good chance you've already noticed a big armadillo hole dug out near your house. This animal emerges at night and forages for insects,
primarily underground earthworms and grubs. They can dig up a lot of dirt in one night, and you may have noticed your nice yard or landscaping dug full of small holes. There are many interesting facts regarding this mammal,
such as the fact that mothers always give birth to quadruplets, so
if you want to learn more, please read my How To Get Rid of Armadillos page.
AAAnimal Control is a privately owned wildlife removal and pest control business, located in Orlando Florida. I deal strictly with wild animals such as dillos. I am not an extermination company, but a critter removal
and control specialist. The above photos are some of the many that I've taken in the field over my years of work. Please email me if
you have any questions about the above photographs, or any questions about
wildlife problems or armadillo control issues.
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