Wildlife Control - We service over 500 locations in 2025

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USE ABOVE MAP OR CLICK YOUR STATE HERE: AL Alabama - AK Alaska - AZ Arizona - AR Arkansas - CA California - CO Colorado - CT Connecticut - DE Delaware - FL Florida - GA Georgia - HI Hawaii - ID Idaho - IL Illinois - IN Indiana - IA Iowa - KS Kansas - KY Kentucky - LA Louisiana - MD Maryland - MA Massachusetts - ME Maine - MI Michigan - MN Minnesota - MS Mississippi - MO Missouri - MT Montana - NE Nebraska - NV Nevada - NH New Hampshire - NJ New Jersey - NM New Mexico - NY New York - NC North Carolina - ND North Dakota - OH Ohio - OK Oklahoma - OR Oregon - PA Pennsylvania - RI Rhode Island - SC South Carolina - SD South Dakota - TN Tennessee - TX Texas - UT Utah - VT Vermont - VA Virginia - WA Washington - Washington DC - WV West Virginia - WI Wisconsin - Canada

SOME OF OUR POPULAR CITIES: - Birmingham-AL - Huntsville-AL - Mobile - Montgomery - Phoenix - Tucson - Little Rock - Anaheim - Los Angeles - Oakland CA - Richmond CA - Riverside CA - Sacramento - San Bernardino - San Diego - San Francisco - San Jose - Colorado Springs - Denver - Fort Collins - Bridgeport - Hartford - Waterbury - Greenwich - Wilmington - Boca Raton - Bradenton - Cape Coral - Clearwater - Coral Springs - Daytona Beach - Fort Lauderdale - Fort Myers - Gainesville - Jacksonville FL - Lakeland - Melbourne - Miami - Naples - Ocala - Orlando - Sarasota - Tallahassee - Tampa - West Palm Beach - Alpharetta - Athens Clarke - Atlanta - Augusta - Columbus-GA - Savannah - Chicago North - Indianapolis - South Bend - Des Moines-IA - Kansas City - Lexington Fayette - Louisville-KY - Baton Rouge - New Orleans - Shreveport - Annapolis - Baltimore - Boston - Lowell - Springfield-MA - Ann Arbor - Detroit - Grand Rapids - Greater Lansing - Kalamazoo - Minneapolis - St. Cloud - St. Paul - Jackson-MS - Kansas City-MO - St. Louis - Las Vegas - Bergen County - Camden - Elizabeth-NJ - Hackensack - Jersey City - Newark-NJ - Passaic County - Paterson - Trenton - Albuquerque - Albany - Buffalo - Nassau County - New York City - Rochester - Suffolk County - Long Island - Syracuse-NY - Charlotte - Durham - Fayetteville-NC - Greensboro - Raleigh - Winston Salem - Akron - Cincinnati - Cleveland-OH - Columbus-OH - Dayton - Toledo - Springfield OH - Oklahoma City - Tulsa - Eugene - Portland-OR - Allentown - Harrisburg - Philadelphia - Pittsburgh - Scranton - Providence - Charleston - Columbia-SC - Greenville - Spartanburg - Myrtle Beach - Chattanooga - Clarksville-TN - Columbia-TN - Knoxville - Memphis - Nashville - Arlington-TX - Austin-TX - Dallas-TX - Fort Worth - Houston - Plano - San Antonio - Waco - Salt Lake City - Springfield-VT - Alexandria - Arlington-VA - Charlottesville - Norfolk-VA - Richmond-VA - Virginia Beach - Washington DC - Olympia - Seattle - Spokane - Charleston WV - Green Bay - Madison-WI - Milwaukee - Toronto

This site provides a listing of AAAnimal Control's professional nuisance wildlife control operators, or NWCO, also known as animal damage controllers, or ADC. Some people refer to this service as pest control or animal control, or even extermination. The companies listed here in our company directory specialize in professional wildlife trapping and wildlife management, and are not regular exterminators. These wildlife trappers handle pest animals, such as squirrels, raccoons, skunks, rats, snakes, birds, or bats, but generally do not eliminate insects. Just click on your state or town to find a professional wildlife animal control company near you.

Here are three articles that will help give you more information:
How To Guide: Who should I hire? - What questions to ask, to look for, who NOT to hire.
How To Guide: do it yourself! - Advice on saving money by doing wildlife removal yourself.
Guide: How much does wildlife removal cost? - Analysis of wildlife control prices.

This site also contains several advice articles regarding nuisance wildlife conflicts. For example, check out my comprehensive guides to animals in the attic, noises in the attic, rats in the attic, rats in the walls, mice in the walls, squirrels in the attic, raccoons in the attic, animals in the chimney, how to get bats out of your attic, and more.

Check your local city or town for your local phone number and local hours and pricing information. We look forward to hearing from you and solving your wildlife problem!

Select Your Animal

Raccoons Raccoon Removal Advice & Information

Squirrels Squirrel Removal Advice & Information

Opossum Opossum Removal Advice & Information

Skunks Skunk Removal Advice & Information

Rats Rat Removal Advice & Information

Mice Mouse Removal Advice & Information

Moles Mole Removal Advice & Information

Groundhog Groundhog Removal Advice & Information

Armadillos Armadillo Removal Advice & Information

Beaver Beaver Removal Advice & Information

Fox Fox Removal Advice & Information

Coyotes Coyote Removal Advice & Information

Birds Bird Removal Advice & Information

Bats Bat Removal Advice & Information

Snakes Snake Removal Advice & Information

Dead Dead Animal Removal Advice & Information

OthersOther Wildlife Species Advice & Information