If you are having a problem with a wild animal, please select your Oregon city/town from the map or list above. This Oregon animal control
directory lists the phone numbers of professional wildlife removal experts throughout OR. These nuisance wildlife control operators deal with conflicts between
people and wildlife such as squirrels living in an attic, or raccoons digging through the trash can. Call the licensed and insured professional listed here,
and get the problem taken care of once and for all.
There are many Oregon pest control companies, but most of them treat for insect problems, and have little experience dealing with
wild animals. Our specially trained technicians have the specific knowledge and equipment necessary for Oregon wildlife management. We are not extermination
companies, we are professional Oregon trappers of wildlife. We are humane, and do a complete job - everything from animal damage repairs to biohazard waste
Our OR animal control experts can handle many wildlife issues. Examples include Oregon bat control and removal. It takes an experienced
pro to safely and legally remove a colony of bats. The same goes for bird control, such as roosting pigeons. We know all the species of Oregon snakes, and can
safely remove them. We most commonly deal with animals in the home, such as rats or mice in the attic, or raccoons in the chimney. Select your area on the map
above, and find a professional in your home town.
Oregon info: Oregon is home to several common nuisance wildlife species. Though snakes are rare, raccoons, squirrels, and rats are common in urban areas.
If you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local
Oregon county animal services or SPCA for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, dangerous animal complaints,
pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, and other issues. We have those numbers listed here for your convenience. If your city is not
on our map, consult your local blue pages or search for "Animal Control" or "SPCA" in your town.
The Wildlife of Oregon
Oregon State bird: Western meadowlark
State mammal: American beaver
State fish: Chinook salmon
State insect: Oregon swallowtail butterfly
Oregon is a diverse state when it comes to landscapes. The state has a sprawling coastline with beaches and cliffs, yet it also has a large portion of desert area to the east. The Cascade Mountains are the highest points in the region, adding ancient volcanoes to the mixture of terrain. Oregon has thick forestation with both mixed forests and coniferous woodlands. In the valleys, the state has ample prairie land, shrublands, and steppes. As a state on the Pacific Ocean, Oregon experiences a mostly mild, wet climate, but sections of the region can experience severe hot or cold spells. The desert area is also significantly drier than other parts of the state.
There are over 136 documented species of mammals in Oregon, including dolphins and whales seen off the coast. The state has some fearsome predators occurring in small number including grizzly bears, gray wolves, wolverines, Canada lynx, and mountain lions. Despite the presence of a few large predators, the national registry states most of the mammals in Oregon are considered smaller species. The state does have a number of larger grazing animals such as moose, elk, bison, pronghorns, and deer.
In a state of small creatures, it's no doubt that Oregon has a number of nuisance species waiting to cause trouble for homeowners. The state has raccoons, weasels, skunks, bats, opossums, beavers, rats, squirrels, nutria, pocket gophers, and a variety of mouse species.
Turtles are surprisingly few as far as species diversity is concerned, and the two native turtles to Oregon are the painted turtle and the Pacific pond turtle. Other reptiles include alligator lizards, skinks, horned lizards, sagebrush lizards, and rattlesnakes.
Other animals living near the state in the coastal waters include seals, sea lions, and whales. Most marine animals are not problematic for homeowners. The critters can sometimes cause damage to areas of private and public beaches, but this is rarely an issue. Most marine wildlife is fearful of human interaction unless the animals have learned that people are equivalent to an easy meal.
Whale watching is a big industry along the coastal plane. The state has whale watching venues for grey whales, sei whales, fin whales, blue whales, humpback whales, and a list of others. Whales, of course, are not considered common nuisance animals unless you're a commercial fisherman.
Example Oregon Wildlife Problem Emails:
Hey David, I've never had to deal with this problem so I was so thankful
to find your article. A couple a weeks ago I panicked when I heard an
animal scampering around in my attic in Portland OR. I had no idea what it was but was
pretty sure it was a squirrel. My husband went up in the attic and
wasn't able to see her but did scare her out. We sealed the hole up and
went to bed. The next morning we heard her getting back inside. My
husband went back and scared her out. We then heard babies!! Yikes!!
The mother was out so we knew she had babies. My husband went back into
the attic to look for them but was unsuccessful. The mother was mad!
We called a animal control professional and he advised us to open the
hole back up so she can get to her babies. We scheduled an appointment
and he came out to our house. He examined the area found the mother but
no sign of babies. He said one option would be to kill her but I was
scared the babies would be left so we decided to try and force her to
leave on her own instead. I haven't heard her now for two days so we
might have scared her. The expert is coming back tomorrow to spray
something that will hopefully make her leave. Once we know she is out
we are paying the expert a huge amount to put wire along our roof line
to prevent this. I would really like your opinion about this. Are we
handling this situation the best way possible? This is my work email or
you can email me.
Thanks for your help.
Oregon Wildlife News Clip: Outdoors: Raccoon, skunk & opossum vote will define agency's identity
On April 17 and 18 the Oregon Game Pest control company group will meet to finalize wildlife trapping seasons and bag limits for the 2020-07 wildlife trapping year. Its agenda covers small game, wild turkey, bear, elk and fur bearers but the Pest control company group's decisions regarding white-tailed snake, bat, and rodent will attract the greatest attention. Under scrutiny by some interests who want more rat, mouse, & squirrel and others who want fewer, the Pest control company group will decide the schedule of raccoon, skunk & opossum seasons and the number of snake, bat, and rodent licenses it will issue.
This meeting finds the Board of Game Pest control company groupers in a position of conflict. After decades of encouraging high rat, mouse, & squirrel populations, a majority of the current board members have directed a recent effort to reduce snake, bat, and rodent to ease damage to woodlands and farms. Many wildlife management companies, though, disapprove and are asking the Pest control company group to let the herds rebound. The agency is in financial crisis and needs an increase in wildlife trapping license fees to remain in operation. Numerous legislators have stated they will block such an increase unless the Pest control company group accommodates dissatisfied wildlife management company demands. The intensity of pressure on pest control company groupers is evident in two separate hearings convened by legislators over recent weeks. In late March, several folk held a hearing at a Portland fire hall where most speakers expressed their dismay with recent Game Pest control company group policies they say have reduced the herds.
Reporting on the Portland hearing, the Sun-Gazette quoted Ray The critter capture expert, president of the Western Clinton County Sportsmen Association. "As wildlife management companies grow up without seeing many rat, mouse, & squirrel, it is a disappointment to them. People tell me they saw lots of bear and bear tracks, but the snake, bat, and rodent [last wildlife trapping season] were pitiful," The critter capture expert said. The critter capture expert recommended cuts in license allocations in Wildlife Management Unit 2G, dominated by State Woodlands in northcentral Oregon.
The papers reported that Bob's Army and Navy Store owner testified, "With the shape the rat, mouse, & squirrel herd is in, we might as well go hunt in Nebraska ... We have to do something to accommodate Oregon snake, bat, and rodent wildlife management companies." On Tuesday, the House of Representatives Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee heard testimony in Harrisburg from farm, environmental and woodlandry groups that want the Game Pest control company group to continue its current policies and provide private landowners and communities with additional options for managing raccoon, skunk & opossum. "Farmers in general are concerned that some constituencies are pursuing policy that would again increase the rat, mouse, & squirrel population and those policies would be harmful to most of the stakeholders represented here today. We are truly at a crossroads," said The critter and rodent expert representing the Oregon Farm Bureau.
Tim Shaffer, executive director of Audubon Oregon said damage caused by over-abundant raccoon, skunk & opossum is not confined to farms and that the state's public woodlands, such as those in Wildlife Management Unit 2G are at high risk. "The abundance of native wildflowers and other woodland-floor plants has been greatly diminished, shrub species have been dramatically decreased or eliminated, and the variety of tree species has declined. Birds and other wildlife that depend on woodland vegetation have also been affected," he said. Gregg Robertson, president of the Oregon Landscape and Nursery Association told the committee his organization's members spend an average of $20,000 every year to control rat, mouse, & squirrel damage and that some nursery businesses could not absorb the loss. Observers of the Game Pest control company group expect wildlife management company concessions to win approval at the meeting, including fewer tags and, possibly, abandonment of the concurrent two-week season for antlered and raccoon, skunk & opossum in some regions.
The votes could reveal whether the current board of pest control company groupers views the primary responsibility of the Oregon Game Pest control company group as one of providing acceptable outdoor recreation to its financial supporters, or, alternatively, managing the wildlife resources of a diverse Commonwealth.