
Pigeons have been in this attic - I can tell. |
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Pigeons around Your Home
There are more than 300 different species of pigeons all over the planet. Pigeons are often identified by their short stout bodies and short necks. They also have bills that are short and slender. Pigeons have easily adapted to most of the habitats found around the world. This has caused their diet of primarily seeds and fruit, to consist of bread, popcorn and other food that is left behind from people.
What most people do not realize, is that pigeons are incredibly intelligent birds. They also have a strong desire to return to their home often. This means, you are not able to easily catch them and relocate them. They will always find their way back.
There are numerous methods that allow you to humanely and safely get rid of pigeons. One of the things you will need to do is make your home less pigeon friendly. If you have any standing water around your property, you will need to get rid of it. This can include ponds, bird feeders, swimming pools and so on. If you are unable to get rid of the water completely, such as your swimming pool or pond, you may want to consider using a pool cover or a chicken wire cover for your pond.
Once you have prohibited their access to water, you should search for anything that they may be feeding on. This can include your garden, bird house, and so on. You should surround the areas in chicken wire. This makes it uncomfortable for pigeons to land and perch. You will also need to search for their nests. Pigeons create nests from small twigs and other debris they find. You should destroy their nests every few weeks. This will hopefully send them the message that they are unwelcome.
If you are searching for an easier solution, you may want to contact a professional pest removal service.
The most commonly dealt with bird problem in the US is that of pigeons roosting on buildings. Feral pigeons tend to live in urban areas, and they prefer to roost on and in buildings, where they leave nesting material, feathers, parasites, and
worst of all, their unsanitary and corrosive droppings. The only way to
permanently solve such problems is to install bird exclusion materials, such as bird spikes or netting. Bird trapping is also an option, but it's usually a poor and temporary
fix. In addition to pigeons, other birds can cause problems in certain other situations: woodpeckers damaging houses, sparrows stuck inside retail spaces, Chimney Swifts nesting inside chimneys, etc.
If you want to learn more, please read my How To Get Rid of Birds page.
AAAnimal Control is a privately owned wildlife removal and pest control business, located in Orlando Florida. I deal strictly with wild animals including bird, especially pigeons roosting on buildings or in attics, as well as geese, woodpeckers, starlings, etc. I am not an extermination company, but a critter removal
and control specialist. The above photos are some of the many that I've taken in the field over my years of work. Please email me if
you have any questions about the above photographs, or any questions about
wildlife problems or bird removal issues.
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