
Here's some baby Chimney Swifts. |
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Baby Swifts
Chimney swifts are closely related to the Hummingbird. This causes most people to not want to harm them when they discover them in their chimney. Swifts are unique birds that are unable to perch on ledges and trees. They instead use their large claws to cling onto vertical surfaces, such as your chimney wall.
When you discover that you have swifts in your chimney, you will not only need to remove them, but make the chimney difficult for them to return. Chimney swifts will often return to the same nesting site with their same mate from the previous year. This includes your chimney.
Getting rid of adult chimney swifts isn’t difficult; it is the young birds that require more careful removal. You should wait at least four weeks for the young birds to grow until you try to move them. If they are found below your damper, you should immediately contact a professional if you are unable to wait the four weeks.
You are able to purchase traps specifically designed to humanely capture birds. These traps work with one way devices that allow the birds to fly in easily, but not fly back out. Once you have trapped the swifts, you should only handle them while wearing sturdy work gloves. Leather gloves are highly recommended. When you trap the birds you should drive them miles away from your home into a country area to release them.
Make sure that you place a chimney cap or keep your damper closed to prevent the swifts from returning. You can also install bird spikes to deter chimney swifts from nesting and roosting. These spikes can be placed along the outside of your chimney, inside your chimney, on the roof, around gutters, and so on. You can also use loud noises to try to scare the swifts away.
The most commonly dealt with bird problem in the US is that of pigeons roosting on buildings. Feral pigeons tend to live in urban areas, and they prefer to roost on and in buildings, where they leave nesting material, feathers, parasites, and
worst of all, their unsanitary and corrosive droppings. The only way to
permanently solve such problems is to install bird exclusion materials, such as bird spikes or netting. Bird trapping is also an option, but it's usually a poor and temporary
fix. In addition to pigeons, other birds can cause problems in certain other situations: woodpeckers damaging houses, sparrows stuck inside retail spaces, Chimney Swifts nesting inside chimneys, etc.
If you want to learn more, please read my How To Get Rid of Birds page.
AAAnimal Control is a privately owned wildlife removal and pest control business, located in Orlando Florida. I deal strictly with wild animals including bird, especially pigeons roosting on buildings or in attics, as well as geese, woodpeckers, starlings, etc. I am not an extermination company, but a critter removal
and control specialist. The above photos are some of the many that I've taken in the field over my years of work. Please email me if
you have any questions about the above photographs, or any questions about
wildlife problems or bird removal issues.
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