
A female and her baby on a roof. |
Customer Raccoon Email: David, After having the chance to look at your websites, I would like to say you did a complete job answering the most common questions we see about animals in the home, specifically raccoons and squirrels.
I think you laid them out plainly and portrayed the animal not as vicious but rather natural and part of the world we live in. I would like to speak for myself rather the WMC at this point. I personally feel the way to get compliance and
understanding is through kindness and patience. While your story about the dead raccoon leaving a smell was instructive, I personally was put off by the corresponding picture. Again, I found your websites informative and was encouraged by
the effort you took to get so much information for people who do not know what to do when they have animals in their homes. It is vital to the protection of animals that people have access to information like this. As to the wildlife rehaber
list, we are not a rehabilitation facility but rather a medical facility. I think it invaluable that you have so many suggestions for rehabers as we normally work with a handful of local ones in Illinois. Because we work with only a few,
and their information is not readily available to the public, I do not have further sugestions for this section. I do like the Wildlife Rehabiltation Directory and will forward the link to our webmaster and see if it is something we might
be able to refer people to as well. Thank you for your time! You should be getting some information about your pictures (which are consistantly impressive) sometime this week if you haven't already. Thank you again. -Stacy
My Answer: Thanks for the kind words about my site. Sorry my photo of a dead raccoon o-ffended your eyes.
If you need wildlife control services in your hometown, click for the National Directory of Wildlife Trappers that I've carefully compiled in every US city.
The raccoon (Procyon lotor), is a common urban animal, and native to North America. Raccoons are easy to recognize, with a black mask and ringed tail, as seen in the above photo.
Raccoons tend to weigh between 10-20 pounds as adults, and live an average of 5 years. They are mostly nocturnal, and are omnivores, and will often eat pet food or garbage. They have
become very acclimated to living in cities and urban areas. They are very strong, excellent climbers, very intelligent, and they are very skilled with their hands, which causes them to
commonly break into homes and attics, where they cause considerable damage, and they also destroy other property, and thus raccoons
are considered pest animals by many people, which is why I remove them. If you want to learn more, please read my How To Get Rid of Raccoons page.
AAAnimal Control is a privately owned wildlife removal and pest control business, located in Orlando Florida. I deal strictly with wild animals. I am not an extermination company, but a critter removal
and control specialist. The above photos are some of the many that I've taken in the field over my years of work. Please email me if
you have any questions about the above photographs, or any questions about
wildlife problems or raccoon control issues.
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