Which locations should i relocate rodents?

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So, you have set up a trap and have captured some kind of rodent that is been living in your attic or found a way into your kitchen area. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking about a raccoon, squirrel, or even a rat or mouse, if you have successfully captured some kind of rodent that you should give yourself a big pat on the back. That truly is quite an accomplishment.

However, now your problem is to figure out what you want to do with this animal. The reality is that if you capture this animal the likelihood is that you didn’t want to kill it. You probably had a lot of opportunities to do that already, but you opted to trap it so that it would be kept alive. This still makes you wonder where you should go to relocate a trapped rodent?

This is an interesting question because if you are talking about a rodent like a rat or a mouse, the likelihood is that you simply want to dispose of this animal permanently. These are the kind of pests that pose a serious problem to your home because they seem to get into everything and are hard to get rid of once they start causing you problems.

The other problem with trying to relocate a rodent like this is that the likelihood they will survive in another location is limited. You could take a rat or a mouse to a garbage dump or even let them go nearest sewer area, but there are plenty of predators out there that will make their life a difficult one. This means their chance of survival may not be very good.

For large rodents you can do a lot of things to remove them. You can relocate them simply off of your property, by letting them go just outside of your fence, or you could take them to some wooded area and let them go. This is what most people wind up doing because they feel like they are letting the animal back into its natural habitat. A raccoon, possum, or squirrel, would seem to thrive well in a forest area or park in that will often times be the case.

Whatever option you choose, the important thing is to ensure that you do not allow this animal to regain access into your home. Before releasing them if you decide to do so near your home you need to make sure you have closed off any entryway that they were using to gain access.

To do so, you want to go around your home and check to see if there are any loose boards, cracks, holes, or other methods that allow these animals to gain access. If this is the case, then you need to take all measures necessary to ensure that they cannot get back in. The truth of the matter is that if they have gotten in before they will try to return to do so again, so be smart and keep them out. Read more: Rat Control, Get Rats Out of the Attic, Rat Trapping, Rats in the Ceiling, Rat Feces.

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