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Dealing with a pest animal that you have
successfully trapped in a cage will often be the
most unpleasant part of the process, but even
though you may have to kill the animal, you
shouldn't make it suffer as well. The key part of
dealing with a skunk, or any other pest animal
humanely, is to ensure that you kill it in a swift
and painless method that will not leave the animal
suffering for a long time. It is also worth
thinking whether you have any other alternatives
to killing the animal, and to see what the
regulations are in your area.
When looking at this method of dealing with a
skunk, there are several factors to consider.
Firstly, when you are shooting the skunk in the
cage,you are going to be likely to kill the
animal, but you are also likely to blast a hole in
the cage. There are also prohibitions on
discharging firearms in urban areas, meaning this
isn't always an option that is available, while
the other option is to let the skunk go and shoot
it outside the trap, but you need to be very
confident in your shot to do this successfully.
Lethal Injection
Depending on where you are located, a lethal
injection can sometimes be administered by a
veterinarian or your local animal services
department, and will ensure the skunk dies swiftly
and in relatively little pain. The difficulty is
that it isn't always going to be available, while
preventing the skunk from spraying is very
difficult with this method.
Often the easiest method to carry out at home,
placing a plastic cover over the cage that is
airtight, and then running a vehicle's exhaust
emissions into the cage will kill the skunk,
almost without it realizing. The build up of
carbon monoxide will lead to the animal becoming
lethargic and then passing out after just a few
minutes, and you shouldn't need to run the engine
for more than fifteen minutes to euthanize the
skunk in this way.
Can You Consider Relocation?
While killing a skunk can be done humanely, it is
worth considering to see if you area does allow
the relocation of pest animals, and whether or not
there are suitable spots within a short drive
away. The benefit of this, if you can find a nice
wooded area in which to release the skunk, is that
you then do not have to deal with the animal's
For more information, you may want to click on one
of these guides that I wrote:
How much
does skunk removal cost? - get the lowdown
on prices.
to get rid of skunks - my main skunk removal
info guide.