Keeping away wild hogs

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For many, the concern of having a feral hog around their home seems kind of extreme. If you live in a suburban or urban setting, and even most rural settings you may find that there is no real reason to be fearful of a feral hog coming around your home. It does seem a bit far-fetched.

However, it can become more of a reality than you may have thought. According to biologists, the population feral hogs is rising at an astronomical rate, and it may not be long or these creatures are inhabiting areas where they were not known to have been found before. This means they can be in your front or back yard in no time causing you some real grief.

It is important to understand that these are incredibly aggressive animals. Not only are they large, but they are also quite fast, which makes them difficult to try to catch. It also means that they can build up quite a head of steam if they are intending to come charging at you. Clearly, they pose a huge risk to you, your family, and your pets. If it looks like there are these animals near your home, then here is how to keep away feral hogs from coming to your property.

The first place to start is by building a solid fence that is able to keep these animals out. If you build a fence that is at least 5 feet tall, it will deter the animal from being able to see into your yard, and if it is built sturdy enough it will be hard for it to try to knock it over. In addition, it may be likely that others around your property do not have a fence. What this means is that if it is difficult for the animal to get onto your property but not on to others, it will likely choose the pathway of least resistance.

You also want to make sure that you have left nothing outside that can be an enticement to draw the feral hogs onto your property. They need food and water to, and if you leave sources out there that will allow them to get a meal or some water then they may be inclined to come onto your land. You have to protect these areas.

One area that you will need to put a fence around for sure is if you have a garden or an area where you keep crops. This is one of the most common targets for feral hogs to visit. They see this as a great source of food for themselves, and will come onto any property to eat your corn, fruit, or other vegetables. If you put a very sturdy fence around your garden or crops then you deter them from being able to get access to hear. This can be a powerful tool in ensuring that they do not come onto your property.

Take the simplest of precautions and you can have the greatest of success.

How to Keep Away Feral Hogs

Need wildlife removal in your hometown? We service over 500 USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020.

You have a number of options open to you when you're dealing with feral hogs on your property, and that's good. These creatures are incredibly adaptable and can live almost anywhere across the world. They particularly like areas that offer them cover, the deeper the better, and this is your first clue. In order to make sure your property isn't attracting unwanted feral hogs, keep the low-lying cover to a minimum.

If you have food on offer for these creatures, they'll take full advantage. Make sure you have no pet or animal / livestock food hanging around the place, waiting for these hogs to dine, and especially make sure you have no waste grain left lying around the place either.

Nighttime hog wanderers might investigate garbage bags and cans, but it is unusual to see these animals in highly populated human areas. They don't like people very much. If you have lots of hardwood trees in the area, however, they'll hang out there quite a lot. This gives you your second clue. You should create a physical barrier on the outskirts of your garden or land to ensure they can't get too close.

Pigs can jump, believe it or not, so whatever fencing you erect will need to be at least three or four feet above the ground. You will also need to make sure the fencing you erect is very sturdy too. These are heavy creatures that can damage trees by brushing and rubbing up against them. In fact, that's often one of the first giveaways that you have a hog problem in the first place.

As well as being able to jump, pigs can also dig. In order to make sure the feral hogs around your land can't get too close, you're going to want to make sure you're protected a few feet underground too, and some experts have suggested that you'll need physical barriers at least ten to twelve feet below the surface of the soil.

Electric fencing is proving to be a big hit among homeowners with quite severe animal invasions on their hands, and this is definitely a method that can help when you have a persistent hog problem. The jolt of electricity the fence will give the hog is unpleasant, but it can't hurt them in anyway. They'll just learn that the territory is off bounds and stop going near it. Of course, this is a much longer term option that others, and a more costly one too. You will need to consider the cost of the installation of the electric fencing, as well as the running of it. You will find that solar powered options are available these days, but you may still need to keep up with regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure it's running at full capacity. You will also need to ensure that all solar panels are kept clean, and not allowed to be covered with garden debris, such as leaves.

Finally, you could look at making sure their favorite foods aren't on offer. We've already covered the idea of leaving food lying around, but even the plants that you grow in your garden could be enough to get these huge animals to come a little closer to investigate. These feral hogs seem to love the taste of fruit, and the more ripe it is, the better. In fact, if it is overripe, the hogs won't be able to resist it. Do you have fruit growing on your property? Do you need to install physical barriers to protect the plants? You might even want to consider moving those highly-sought-after plants inside too, perhaps to a greenhouse?

Feral hogs can cause a serious amount of damage if they are left to their own devices for too long.

Wild animal removal specialists will remove these creatures for you, as well as advising you on how to better avoid the problem in the future. They'll eat the leaves right off your plants, and they won't stop there. Your bulbs will be munched through in no time at all, and we've already mentioned the damage to your trees. This is an animal that you don't want to mess with.

For more information, you may want to click on one of these guides that I wrote:
How To Guide: Who should I hire? - What questions to ask, to look for, who NOT to hire.
How To Guide: do it yourself! - Advice on saving money by doing wildlife removal yourself.
Guide: How much does wildlife removal cost? - Analysis of wildlife control prices.
Animals in the attic - read about the common species.
Noises in the attic - how to identify critters by their sounds.

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