01.21.2007 - Here is a photo of me with a nice-sized Ringneck snake. I did not take this photo, as if often the case with photos in which I appear. No, this
photo was taken by the customer, who happens to be a professional photographer. Professionals shoot in black and white you know, which is much cooler than boring old
color. If the photo had been in color, you would have noticed the orange ring around the neck of this snake, its orange belly, and my shimmering olive green/grey eyes,
which evoke memories of the rugged Irish seas on an autumn morn. Alas, in this picture my eyes are a dingy grey, like the sludgy Staten Island seas during rush hour.
But other than that, I think it's a fine photo. So did the photographer, I surmise, because before I was allowed to leave her house, she made me sign, in triplicate,
about six different documents in which I had to swear that I would not print, publish, show, look at, or rebroadcast without express written consent, the above photo. I
did ask her if I could put it on my website, and she said, "You can put photos on computers? Yeah sure, why not?" Alas, if I ever want to publish my blog into a
coffee table book for the wrinkled hands in the chapel library, this entry will not make it. Too bad, since I hear those folks often prefer to look at things in black and
white anyway.
Do it yourself: Visit my
How To Get Rid of Snakes page for tips and advice.
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You can also catch snakes with a special trap, which you can order by clicking this banner: