
Over 1000 bats lived in this tile roof. |
If you need bat removal in your hometown, click for the National Directory of
Bat Removal Companies that I've carefully compiled in every USA city.
Some people are extremely fearful of bats, especially when they are found inside their home. Contrary to popular belief, bats do not want to fly into people’s hair or attack and bite them. Bats that are in your home are usually just as afraid as you are. They feel trapped and are only searching for a way out of your room.
The best way to get the bat outside is sometimes the easiest. You are able to trap the bat into one location. Once the bat is in a smaller room, open the windows and doors. Bats will follow air currents when they are flying. If the bat is stuck in the room, they will usually go towards the window or the door. It may also be beneficial to dim or turn off the lights. Bats are nocturnal and will do better with less light.
If the bat does not fly out of the opening you have provided, you may need to catch him to relocate him. When the bat lands you can place a bucket or a bowl over him, this will also work if the bat lands on the wall. After you have the bat underneath the bucket or bowl, slide a piece of cardboard or paper between the container and the wall. The bones of the bat are incredibly fragile, so you do not need to trap him with anything heavy. Something heavy may cause damage to the bat.
Once you have trapped the bat, you are able to take it outside and release it. If you find a bird in your house, you will need to check around the inside of your home to see if one bat got inside accidentally, or if there is a colony roosting somewhere. Bat colonies will usually be in the attic, chimney, walls or basement.
Bats are great animals! Unfortunately, the do often choose to roost inside home and buildings, where they can create a big mess. It's a good idea to remove the bats from your belfry or attic, but it's also a great idea to avoid
harming them! Any competent wildlife control expert should have the knowledge and expertise to safely and effectively remove an entire colony of bats from a house without harming or killing a single one. I know that I have a 100%
success rate with bat removal jobs, and I believe the list of companies that I've compiled in my directory is of similar quality. If you want to learn more, please read my How To Get Rid of Bats page.
AAAnimal Control is a privately owned wildlife removal and pest control business, located in Orlando Florida. I deal strictly with wild animals including bats inside houses. I am not an extermination company, but a critter removal
and control specialist. The above photos are some of the many that I've taken in the field over my years of work. Please email me if
you have any questions about the above photographs, or any questions about
wildlife problems or bat removal issues.
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