How to Get Rid of Baby Raccoons in an AtticClick here for my nationwide list of 100's of professional raccoon trappers!What if an animal in the attic is stuck in a hard to reach place? In this case, baby raccoons were in the far end of a tight attic. They were making quite a bit of noise. The attic was impossible to move through (not to mention hot and dangerous). In this case, there is no other option but to cut a hole in the ceiling in order to remove the young.
For more raccoon control information, go back to the main raccoon removal page. For more information about raccoons in attics, go to this get rid of raccoons in attic page. For information about raccoon attic damage, go to the raccoon attic damage page. After I catch the mom, she is reunited with her young, and I can then relocate them all together, or I can bring the baby coons to a state licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Remember, it is super important to get the baby raccoons in the attic! Do not leave them behind to starve and suffer. To read more, click How To Get an Animal Out of the Wall. Here is an example email I got from a rehabber, regarding such a situation: "Hello David, Thank you for adding our group and being concerned with the animals well being. Your mentioning trapping the mothers reminds me of a call last year by a little old lady that 'was so proud' of herself for being able to overcome her fear and outsmart a raccoon that was under her house. She had tried in vain to catch it until one day she did in a live trap, but then that night she heard the little ones crying. I was called for help and I told her let the mother out - she will return to the little ones. You can try a few 'eviction notice' type tactics but wait and keep me posted. She did try and she did wait then one day the little lady called me back and told me thank you and hurray she saw the mother taking the little ones out one at a time. She then made sure they were all gone and secured her crawlspace. The main thing with unwanted house guests is patience! Thank you again - looking forward to reading the information. Thank you for providing the information to the public as well! -Kathleen" ![]() Baby Raccoon In Attic Email: Hi David, We recently had baby raccoons removed from the attic of our house and the insurance company sent a contractor to do the cleanup and insulation replacement. At this point the insulation has been removed, and they said they disinfected the space with an anti-microbial before they blew in the new insulation. However, even with a negative air system running since the majority of the work began, the walls were open before that, and dust has been blowing all over the house from the plaster and insulation. I want to be sure that the entire house is really safe because my baby niece visits frequently, my husband has a compromised immune system, and we have an asthmatic cat. So now I'm wondering how far can the contamination from raccoons actually spread? The insurance is covering the attic but I doubt they'll do anything for the rest of the house, so what should I do to make up the difference? We have a combination of carpet and hardwood floors, is there something I can do to make sure both are really clean and safe without damaging the hardwood (we've actually been planning to tear out the carpets for a while now)? I also want to be sure that the right product was used to decontaminate the attic, because they didn't seem hugely concerned with safety so I'm not sure how much they really know about this kind of cleanup. They disinfected in two rounds, and in the first round I don't know what they used or how they applied it (the whole house had a faint chlorine smell afterwards, though), but in the second round they used a spray bottle of disinfectant called Spectrasan. Will this product do the job and protect us from diseases or raccoon round worm? It's not too late for me to insist they use an additional product but it will be come Monday when they start repairing the walls, so any information you can give me would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, Hilary |