Bat Photographs - Click For Larger Image
I have more bat photos: click here for Bat Photo Gallery #1 (20 more bat photos)
Tampa bat control project. |
Miami bat removal job. |
Lots of bats in a hotel. |
A cluster of bats in an attic. |
This 40' ladder gets me to the bats. |
Here the are, in a barrel tile roof. |
This 60' boom lift helps me reach them. |
They often live in the highest roof peak. |
Here's a nice group of freetail bats. |
Bats in an attic - a common sight. |
Bats like to live under roof tiles. |
They usually crawl deep inside. |
This is a 100' boom lift at a condo. |
Here's the view from the top. |
That's me working on the roof. |
I had to net these tile covered towers. |
Some jerk exterminator killed bats. |
They leave a lot of droppings outside. |
And in the attic. It must be cleaned. |
This is a small clump of bat guano. |
Sometimes I have to hang off the roof. |
In order to get bats under the barrel tile. |
This colony is so old, now it's skeletons. |
For Bat control in the state of Florida call 407-538-1694. If you live elsewhere, click for the National Directory of Trappers
AAAnimal Control is a privately owned wildlife removal and pest control business, located in Orlando Florida. I deal strictly with wild animals. I am not an extermination company, but a critter removal
and control specialist. The above photos are some of the many that I've taken in the field over my years of work. Please email me if
you have any questions about the above photographs.