Orlando Animal Removal ServicesCall AAAnimal Control: 407-278-2705
If you need animal removal services in Orlando, Florida, call my business, AAAnimal Control, at 407-278-2705. A representative from Verizon called me recently to try to sell me advertising in their new phone book. Like all salesman, he went on and on about how great his product was, badgering me into paying him money. One of his sales points was that their yellow pages help a company to get internet exposure. He actually said the following, "Verizon made a deal with Google so that the companies we list appear first in their search results". That is completely wrong. To prove that he was right, he said, just type in the phrase orlando animal removal services, and we pop up as the first result. I checked, and sure enough, he was right. Thus, I created this web page to usurp that one and prove him wrong. The reason they appeared first is that a very specific (and never searched) phrase was used. That phrase had to include, in exact order, the term animal removal services, which is the category listed in their yellow pages directory. I asked him to type in a more generic, much more commonly searched phrase, such as simply, "animal control" and my site shows up first. So now, with this page created, Mr. Adam the salesman, I should have the top spot. Google's algorithm is not supposed to cheat, the integrity of their entire business model depends upon non-biased search. The AdWords ads, now that's where you can pay for placement. As far as the yellow pages situation in general, and the new arrival of Verizon directories into Orlando, I must say that Central Florida already has two directories, the Bell South Yellow Pages, and the Sprint Yellow Pages. I don't know how long these two books have been in distribution, but it seems like a long time. Of the two, the BellSouth one seems to rule the roost. They have greater distribution and use, and generally charge about double what the Sprint books charge. I advertise in both, and in tracking where my jobs come from, it appears that the Bell South book has the advantage in Orlando. That's not to say that the Sprint Book isn't worthwhile, and its lower cost makes it an appealing option. Furthermore, the Sprint Book allows more options for ads. I designed an in-column ad and submitted it to both books - Sprint printed it to my EXACT specifications, in terms of images, fonts, and layout - just as I had done it in Photoshop. Bell South really messed it up - small, fuzzy image, the wrong fonts, horrible layout, and THREE TYPOS. Terrible. Regardless, now Verizon is going to jump into the mix here in Orlando? Does this mean that there'll be three directories in Orlando? Geez, how many do I have to pay for? On the one hand, it's good that there's competition, which lowers prices. One book would probably mean outrageous rates. On the other hand, now people have got to spend money on all three books, unless they know that users will simply abandon some of the books out there, which I know they won't. If there's three, all three will be used, albeit in different proportions, with each book claiming that everyone prefers their directory most. Speaking of these books, the salesmen can be pure scum - gorilla marketers. I know that the turnover rates on books is poor. I still get a LOT of calls from a crappy little half-inch ad submitted three years ago. Many people just don't change their phone books when the new ones arrive. They won't swap them. They throw out the NEW books, already conveniently in a bag (a garbage bag) and keep the old ones, which are already stashed in the kitchen cupboard. If I were to guess anecdotally, I'd say that in any given year, about 65% of the yellow pages books in use are the current year's book, 20% are last year's book, 8% are from two years ago, and 7% are older than two years. I asked a rep from Bell South what the turnover rate actually is, and he said with a stone-cold straight face that 100% of people always swap the new book for the old when it's released. Come on. That made me angry, and since I get all of my business from the internet, I stopped advertising in the yellow pages, and this same guy, this complete jerk from Bell South badgered me on and on about continuing. He made me listen to him for a long, long, time, even though I told him that I simply didn't need it any more. He forced me to sign a million papers, or else they would continue to charge me, and he wouldn't give me those papers until I listened to his sales spiel. Some guy found this page and sent me an email with this rant about the Orlando Yellow Pages:
I could not agree with you more on your comments about Bell South. I got lots of arm twisting and a rough deal with them. It's not the first time either. After 9 years,
it's still a pain in the ass dealing with them. When Verizon would call me when they started hitting the Orlando market, I too also told them to pack sand as if we need a 3rd book in the area that so many people toss out anyway. My line of work is Massage therapy and Embark does better for me only because they are in more hotels. Both BS and EMB screw up just about every year and wont tell you that the books are loosing circulation big time. Hotels are starting to not carry books in the rooms and that is 90% of my market and they wont make any mention of that. I see 2005 and 2006 editions in the hotel rooms regularly. That pisses me off to no end. When they come around in a couple of months for new contracts, I plan on finding as much documentation that the circulation is slowing. The wont be able to justify raising the rates. So I'm with ya. It's a fight every year |