Tampa Pest Control Tampa Exterminator Clearwater St. Petersburg Hillsborough County Pinellas County

Clearwater Animal Control Pest Exterminator

Critter Trapping: All of our wildlife trapping is performed in the most effective and humane manner possible. We are very kind to animals, and we never hurt them. We trap them in live cages and relocate them far outside of the Tampa area. Trapping is an art, and we have many years of experience in the field which results in the correct capture of the target animals every time.

Animal Damage Repairs: No wildlife control job is complete unless the damage the animals have caused, and the holes they have chewed or ripped open to get inside your home are fixed. We inspect every inch of your home, from the ground to all of the roof, and we indentify all of the areas of animal entry. We repair them and seal them shut to keep wildlife out permanently, with guarantee.

Attic Cleanup: The animals that we removed from your attic probably made a big mess up there before we arrived and got them out. Feces, urine, nesting material, parasites, and grease from fur are just some of the remnants that critters leave behind - not to mention a potenital biohazard issue, and odors that can attract new wildlife to seek out your house. We clean and deodorize the attic to prevent these hazards.


We operate throughout the entire Clearwater area and the whole peninsula west of the bay. This area is loaded with rats, bats, and raccoons. We remove these animals, and in the case of relocation, bring them far to the east side of Tampa.

All Tampa wildlife removal services are performed by All Pro Wildlife LLC, and based in Tampa FL, serving the entire Tampa Bay area, including Saint Petersburg Critter Pest Control and Clearwater Animal & Wildlife Removal. The owner of All Pro Wildlife trained extensively with the owners of AAAnimal Control, and he has our highest recommendation for wild animal removal work. Like us, All Pro Wildlife is not a pest control or extermination company, but a wildlife removal specialist, dealing only with animals, and not insects. We have a great deal of experience working with wildlife, and are expert Tampa wildlife trappers. We do not provide wildlife extermination, but practice humane removal, as well as control, exclusion, and prevention methods for Tampa wildlife problems. We of course do Clearwater wildlife control and St. Petersburg wildlife removal as well, and service the entire Tampa Bay area including Hillsborough County and Pinellas County. Please call 813.404.7033 any time to discuss your wild critter problem and to schedule an appointment.

Here are some of the animals we handle:
Tampa Raccoon Removal
Tampa Squirrel Removal
Tampa Opossum Removal
Tampa Armadillo Removal
Tampa Rat Removal
Tampa Bird Removal
Tampa Bat Removal
Tampa Snake Removal
Tampa Dead Animal Removal