FL State licensed and insured - permit# N5499 - residential/commercial - operating 24 / 7 I am sending this message with the hope that you could give me an idea of how much it would have cost had I contracted a professional urban wildlife removal company to remove a mother raccoon and three pups from my attic. I live in a townhouse in Piscataway, NJ and my landlord wants to compensate me for doing the work instead of hiring a professional. I have no idea what dollar figure to base the reimbursement on though. I read every word of your website and am very grateful for all of the detailed info which allowed me to go on the successful raccoon removal journey with some semblance of knowledge about the subject. Thank you very much!! I borrowed "HAVAHART" cages and trapped the mother plus three pups myself. I successfully baited traps for the babies in the attic with crackers, cookies & peanuts. It took about 3 weeks because they'd climb down the wall and spend time between the 1st floor ceiling and 2nd floor floorboards. I patiently waited until they'd go back up into the attic which mostly occurred at nights. Thank God the huge and aggressive mother was trapped when she went out of the attic into the back yard to get the can of tuna we baited her trap with. I'd have died if I had to carry her out of the little attic entrance in the ceiling!! I set the trap for the mother in the back yard secured to the ground with camping stakes because she kept knocking the baited cages in the attic over (even with 20 lb weights on top) then walk right up the side of the inside of the cage and eat the bait. We are now having the attic repaired & decontaminated followed by spreading raccoon eviction fluid which I purchased but didn't have to use since I successfully trapped & relocated the whole family. Do you think it's necessary to spread the raccoon eviction fluid as a deterrent? Do you think it'd be a useful deterrent or might it attract other wildlife into the attic? Here's a video of the 1st baby being rescued by the mother after it fell out of the entrance/exit hole the mother tore in the soffit. This was the day we realized that the scratching in the attice wasn't squirrels My response: Raccoon eviction fluid is pointless after they are gone - it's not a repellent, it's a substance that makes a female raccoon already in the attic leave. We are looking for Winter Garden animal control or Winter Garden Wildlife Removal to help us. I guess the cost of the service you did would normally run around $300. Plus the cost to repair any damage or entry holes. |